Thursday, March 1, 2018

Boutwell Road Groundbreaking Ceremony


Contact: Ben Kerr
Phone: 561.586.1631

WHAT: Boutwell Road Groundbreaking Ceremony
WHERE: North-West corner of 4th Ave N and Boutwell Road
WHEN: Thursday, March 8th 4pm

City of Lake Worth Boutwell Road Groundbreaking Ceremony Press Invite

The City of Lake Worth invites members of the press to join us on Thursday, March 8th at 4pm for the Grounbreaking Ceremony of the Boutwell Road Project. This project has been funded by an impressive EDA grant of $1,389,100 and will significantly improve Boutwell Road and make the Lake Worth Park of Commerce an even more attractive site for business growth. Mayor Pam Triolo along with members of the City Commission, City Management Team and Project Participants will be present to celebrate the start of this important project.

The ceremony will take place at the North-West corner of 4th Ave N and Boutwell Road.

I know at least one commissioner who won't miss this as his entire focus has been the Park of Commerce.

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