Friday, February 2, 2018

President Trump gaining Approval

With a first year struggle on ratings due to negative press and Democratic Losers, president Trump is gaining in the approval ratings.

Tax plan approval
Many more Americans approve of the president’s tax plan that was assailed by the Democrats as a cash grab for the rich. In December, only 26 percent approved, while 47 percent disapproved, for a difference of negative 21 points. But just a month later, 44 percent approve, and 44 percent disapprove – a net change of 21 points to the positive.

Democrats lose their edge
In the most telling indicator, Democrats lost a huge edge over Republicans from December on the generic ballot, where they saw a 15 percentage point advantage. That has collapsed to only 2 percentage points. [The Blaze]

Read the Poll... from Monmouth University

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