Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Wrecking Ball - Trump

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We have lost our middle-class in America. In order to be great again, we must ensure that our middle class has a seat at the table. We must restore our country’s sovereignty and close our borders. We must create jobs and stop the off-shoring that builds up foreign countries economies instead of our own. We must have fair trade deals that ensure American jobs are not lost and immigration policies that ensure your wages don't remain stagnant and our country remains safe. And we must stop ISIS and scrutinize every immigrant who wants to enter America. We need to know who our "friends" are.

The only one that can do this is Donald Trump. Trump calls it a "movement" to begin returning America to all Americans. We need this "Wrecking Ball" who is a straight shooter and understands that this great country is for Americans protected by our Constitution.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Trump. I don't want 4 more years of the same and that's exactly what we will get under Clinton. The next reason is all clinton supporters are rude as hell. Can't stand them. Cant' stand obama. Can't stand his wife. Want the wall.

Anonymous said...

If Bernie and Hillary supporters were attacked the way that Trump supporters have been, how do you think that would make Bernie and Hillary supporters feel? Right.

Anonymous said...

Yea and let's let the 1% to continue to rule the country. Who do you think has made all the money over the last 15 years? It's the rich and their loopholes that have Allowed them to plunder from the middle class.

Unfortunately, Americans desires for cheap goods will continue to support off shoring of our jobs and businesses to then flood our markets with cheap goods.

The next time you go to the store ask yourself am I willing to spend 25% more on something made in America, and keep Americans working and opt out of supporting foreign produced goods or do I opt in for the cheap offshore alternative. Ask yourself the same thing regarding your support of shopping local, keeping the local economy strong and your neighbor employed, or going to Amazon to buy the same product and have it delivered to your home. Often the prices are the same and even less locally but people don't realize when their local stores are not supported, they will eventually go away and those who are employed by them will be jobless.

Fact of the matter remains that American-made goods often are more expensive because of labor costs. You're simply not going to get around that, nor will you get around Americas insatiable appetite for consumerism and the cheap products from overseas.

I don't care for Donald Trump, and I'm not voting for him, he is the perfect example of the problem. Filing all those bankruptcies, leading people high and dry with no job and ripping of businesses he purchased product and services a from, that is not the moral compass I want in my President. DUMP TRUMP at the convention and nominate someone real.

Lynn Anderson said...

The majority of the voters will decide whether he is qualified. The successful result of an election is a "stamp from the voters" that makes someone officially qualified, not just liberals who do nothing but attack him personally.