Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Desperation to destroy a public park

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On April 4, the editor and publisher of the Lake Worth Herald spoke in front of the Greenacres City Commission:

Atlanta Braves – John Prince Park
Mark Easton, owner of the Lake Worth Herald, requested the City’s support together with neighboring communities to contact the Board of County Commissioners and urge them to build a stadium at John Prince Park for the Atlanta Braves’ spring training. He believed it would be a huge boost to the area and the Atlanta Braves want to be here.

Frank Cerabino rates Greenacres as the 20th best city in Palm Beach County out of 38 as follows:

"Municipal logo: A squirrel sitting on a branch
Random factoid: It’s a “tree city,” which explains the squirrel.
Reason for ranking: In the middle of Palm Beach County’s suburban sprawl, Greenacres is a little bit of everything and a lot of nothing. It’s a balanced gumbo of young and old, white, black, and an extra dollop of Hispanic. It’s a bedroom community between the glitzier Wellington and the cooler Lake Worth."

So, I guess they need all the help that they can magically conjure up like ruining John Prince Park for some sort of fantasy development and business profits that might come their way.  Cerabino rated Lake Worth as the 6th best place to be in spite of all the sober homes, drugs, homeless, crime, slum and blight. He forgot to tell you why it's one of the worst--it's trio of city officials and a biased local "news" reporter.


Anonymous said...

Easton has always been on the side of whomever pays his bills. The advertising dollars keeps this tabloid afloat.

Anonymous said...

There is a mountain of evidence out there that proves baseball stadiums are a black hole for taxpayers. The claims of economic prosperity never come close to what was promised to the community and the businesses in those communities.So WHY do our elected officials act like fools over shiny objects time and time again? Do they lack the ability to read or comprehend anything that isn't green and folds into their wallets? It's hard to believe that anyone could be this stupid and still retain the ability to walk upright.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:57 your fact are scrambled and knowledge about his personal and financial life are flawed.

Did it ever occur to you that the newspaper and printing industry has evolved and no longer requires huge equipment and press rooms? And if you don't need lots of space, why not sell your investment property and find more suitable facilities to operate out of - which is what he has done.

I'm excited he sold the building - and can not wait for the new business owner to retool the building into a cool space where people will
want to hang at. I guess you can look forward to bashing yet another new business congress to town, and employing people.

Three cheers for Mark and his family, and their dedication and work over many many years to this multigenerational business in Lake Worth. Heck they are the oldest business in Lake Worth.

Hey anon 3:57, when did you arrive in paradise?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has one just like assholes - you Anon 3:57 show your ass by spreading untruths and you are part of the cancer that just keeps coming back.

Lynn Anderson said...

Everyone--please--stop the name calling.

I could care less what Mr. Easton does with his personal life or property. I would, however, like to see some fairness and non-partisan reporting. Isn't that what journalisst are supposed to do? That never happens with the editor of the Lake Worth Herald. There is always only one side to his story.

Anonymous said...

Aren't Journalists supposed to be non partial? Easton sitting in a county commission meeting wearing a "Go Braves " shirt kind of blows his credentials there out of the water.He regularly prints lies in his "newspaper". His fact checking is non existent.He and his friends call the Lake Worth Herald a "newspaper" when in fact it is NOT a newspaper. It is an opinion blog that never quite made it to the computer.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution with your dis-satisfaction with the current offering of local newspapers like the Herald and the Post, why don't you start your own newspaper, go find the reporters, go buy the printing equipment, go sell advertising to pay for the whole shebang and then you can write and print whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

I'm not dissatisfied with the Post . Thats a real newspaper.That must be Mark posting above at 9:34. He's delusional enough to think that the Herald compares with the Post.What is the circulation of the Herald? In order to put an issue on the ballot,we have to get 10% of the voters in Lake Worth to support an issue. In order for the city to post their legal notices in the Herald ,it should have a circulation equal to 10% of the population in Lake Worth.Is there any way to know the circulation of the Herald? Any number that Easton gives would be suspect,to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the credit anon 9:54, but I'm not Mark or any of his family.

I am a supporter of the American entrepreneur and small businesses, some you may support and some you may not. In any case, I'm sure Mark is not crying about your opinion and lack of your subscription.

I am and will always support free speech, even when I disagree with flawed position proffered by those who do not care to gather all the facts and are unable to perform logical analysis or participate in civil debate without name calling like a 5 year old. It's too bad Mr Trump's bully tactics of throwing ourageoua, unfounded and plain old ugly, rude and inaccurate comments are being adopted by mental lightweights in an effort to 'change' people's mind on any position.

At the end of the day, this blog and its commentators never fails to deliver on the fine example of radial right wing delusions of grandeur and sheer lunacy. It's the new tea party assassin's creed of half baked manipulations of the Republician Party that some may think are brilliant, yet result in strategically incompetent performances. And it has forever changed the Republician Party and is leading to its demise for decades to come. Maybe the time is finally ripe for viable third parties and their candidates... How about Davis French for the conservatives? Heck the Libertarians just nominated former governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson with former Mass governor Bill Weld for VP - both former Republicans

It amazes me that you think that you guys are going to win at the end… It's just there are too many of us opposing you. (Insert evil laugh... Hahahaha)

Lynn Anderson said...

You talk about having civil debate and not name call and then YOU NAME CALL.
Libertarians, etc. have no chance in this election. Democrats used to be the conservative party. Philosophies change but socialism has no chance in this country. The Bern should give it up.

Your evil laugh right back at ya hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa >:)