Monday, June 6, 2016

Shooting in Lake Worth

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This time it was a home invasion on South J. Street.

Read about it... It is on-going and escalating. Is anyone safe here?


Anonymous said...

like i have always said---when you are driving and coming into lake worth all the drug addict prostitutes are walking and strung out on drugs can't even walk straight---a couple of yrs ago a drunk young mexican walked passed me and i looked back and he attacked a girl coming out of lucerne condo---called police and they arrested him--i said it before and i will keep saying it the kava bar is and will be downtowns biggest nightmare and is already---people try going in there late night ---then you will see for yourself--owner went to prison for selling fake pot with many chemicals in it---this guy is also admitted steroid and herion addict---no more needs to be said----remember a couple of years ago---police caught selling steroids& pills out of lake worth wellness-and wellington wellness center--with their guns on them---they were selling to other officers and others while on duty---one officer became a informant

Anonymous said...

Invade my home... Bang your dead

Seems perfectly logical to me

Anonymous said...

What about the new "rehab" center on Dixie jist south of Lake ave, already there's a vape place right next door to it. This is going to chase good residents out of town.

Anonymous said...

Crank up he classical music... Seems the scum don't care for it... Too bad for them, good for us!

Anonymous said...

Where is PBSO and City leadership. The silence is deafening.