Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lake Worth Potholes - Looking for solutions

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Channel 5 had a segment on Lake Worth potholes, mentioning the worst street in Lake Worth, 2nd Avenue South, with Commissioner Christopher McVoy commenting.  Barbara Aubel has mentioned this particular street on so many occasions and it just gets worse.

Read about it...and view the video.


Anonymous said...

This majority commission should be ashamed. If there would have been a much smaller ROADS ONLY bond,the people would have voted for it. But again, this majority commission doesn't give a damn about the basics and our quality of life.I think they are still trying to get their hands on huge slush funds for themselves. And NO, I won't be voting for the one penny rip off plan. Look how the county commission has trashed this place.Bumper to bumper traffic with more to come. These Growth whores can't say no to any developer.NO MORE MONEY TO BE USED FOR MORE BAD DECISIONS! Like thinking it's okay to destroy John Prince Park so Billionaire baseball owners get more corporate freebies.Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Christopher McVoy or Ryan Meier don't present a plan to fix the infrastructure. They didn't like the bond so why not present your own plan to fix the problem?

Lynn Anderson said...

It is NOT up to commissioners to bring up plans. This is the city manager's job to work with his dept heads and engineers, whatever.

They have said--smaller bond that addresses the immediate.
Hopefully, the city will come up with a much smaller bond that won't have half the voters against.

The next problem has been this Trio commission that approved of a budget that reduced the amount spent on road maintenance. It used to be $1 mil a year. Now, over the last several years, only $200K has gone towards road maintenance. why don't you ask your Trio why they did this.

Anonymous said...

Oh so following your logic Lynn, only the "Trio" can come up with ideas, plans, and solutions etc. So why bother having the other 2 commissioners if all they are doing is collecting a paycheck and aren't going to contribute?

Lynn Anderson said...

You wouldn't understand logic if it hit you between the eyes.

Anonymous said...

All 5 of them, plus City Staff should be looking for a solution to this issue. But, no they are big babies. They didn't get their way with the bond, even after spending $50,000 in tax money to sell it (that money would have filled some potholes) once folks learned that the debt obligation would have been uncapped.

There were lots of people in this City who are often on the same side as the trio who were utterly against it b/c they knew it would devastate the business community and undermine housing recovery. Who would want to buy a house in LW after taxes were increased more than 35%?

Dennis V. said...

Governments at any level should operate below their means just like individuals. They need to learn how to budget for the street repairs. Not borrow the money then put the burden on future generations to repay the debt, including the huge amount of interest. Time for a lesson in economics.

Anonymous said...

thats right come up with plan b---these people are so lazy--like i said their businesses are failing and they need the extra money to pay bills---they really don't care,only at meetings to brainwash