Sunday, June 5, 2016

GL Homes to buy Lake Worth Golf Course

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All I can say is, thank God the Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course is publicly owned.

There we go again--with GL Homes set to buy a golf course in Lake Worth at the Fountains. They plan to build 200 single-family homes priced from $400,000 to $600,000 there, plus 250 to 300 rental apartments — the builder’s first multifamily project.

Lake Worth Road, Congress and Melaleuca will be a nightmare. But who cares, right?

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

They need housing for all of the people that the Park Of Commerce will be hiring. LOL

Lynn Anderson said...

That's funny...good one, anonymous at 7:02.
First of all, businesses re-locating at the POC will bring their same employees.
Second, affording a $4-600,000 house?
Right now, the POC is attracting a lot of crime I have been told.

Anonymous said...

Wish I were super-rich I'd buy acres of undeveloped land and live smack dab in the middle of it. Then I'd know it wouldn't be developed in my lifetime anyway.

Anonymous said...

This isn't in the Cuty of Lake Worth... It's in greater lake worth. I really wish your headlines were more accurate, you're starting to sound like the local news channels and the PB Post that can't even identify the proper municipality when reporting.

Lynn Anderson said...

No one said it was in the City of Lake Worth.
their address is 4476 Fountains Drive
Lake Worth, Florida 33467

Anonymous said...

I comprehend just fine, and I vmcan read a map... This development is 6 miles outside of the city limits of Lake Worth.

Trust me, people who can afford $400k-$600k houses 15-20 minutes from our downtown are not clogging the street as they head to the Dollar General. Maybe they will come to eat at Paradiso or La Bonne Bouche, certainly not CJ's gross grill - we're very likely not to feel the traffic impact in the actual city Lake Worth, you ought to be more worried and sounding the traffic alarms about all the white panel vans making their 2-3 time daily trips into downtown dumping off drug addicts so they can linger and loiter, and maybe go to an AA or NA meeting over on J street. Sad thing is, these are the undesired 'traffic' we are actually impacted by and you sadly refuse to address. We are the dumping grounds with vehicles coming from Delray to Jupiter, dropping off the vermin who suck our public resources for policing and fire rescue.

Better order more body bags.

And even more sad, we won't see any tax Revenue from this GL Homes development.

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't know anything about white panel trucks. Perhaps the PBSO can give us an in-depth and very honest report about drug dealing and drug addicts and the horrendous crime it is creating in our city.

And as said, anonymous, I did not say that this was the City of Lake Worth. It was reported in the PBPost and the Fountains has a Lake Worth address.