Saturday, June 4, 2016

Current Palm Beach County Commission is no Improvement

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
June 4, 2016

Current commissions is no improvement

The letter-writer of “Corruption endemic in county, and Post is key to the fight” (May 26), noting the history of the corruption epidemic in the county, from the judicial system down to the law enforcement, hit the nail on the head.

He did, however, leave out one important government body: our County Commission. I’m not referring to the past commissioners who have served time for their corruption. I’m referring to the currently seated ones, who believe that they have the right to push down our throats unwanted and unneeded development, ignoring the wishes of the people and the environment that it affects.

Not surprising, I guess, considering who is the elected leader of this state.


Other than the last sentence, I agree with this Letter to the Editor.  The Democrats on the Board of County Commissioners outnumber the Republicans 5/2. Rick Scott can not be blamed for the  over-development decisions made in Palm Beach County or the fact that they are not listening to the residents.

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