Sunday, June 5, 2016

Creep casing ROLO and Murry Hills

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Photo of the creep casing my neighborhood at
Lakeside Point Gardens.
Caught on camera but he's clever enough to hide his face.
These creeps are out in droves.
  Freebies from Obama are not enough for these criminals.

Keep everything locked up and if you see anything suspicious, 
Make The Call
561-686-3400 or 911


Anonymous said...

That's pure racist, just becuz a African American man in your perfect little condo world, you got to call him a criminal. how do ya now he's not just visiting his granma?

Anonymous said...

I though ROLO had a crime watch program. Maybe you should start one up. Of course, 'just walking thru' isn't crime... You gotta be certain you don't enlist any George Zimmerman vigilante types ...

Lynn Anderson said...

We know our community. His grandmother does not live here. And take your politically correct crap somewhere else where someone might give a damn.

Anonymous said...

anonymous poster, you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to George Zimmerman. He was acquitted. the black kid with the hoodie was pummeling him.

Anonymous said...

OK ass at 9:58. This guy was seen checking car doors and PBSO was called as the resident WATCHED HIM!. Just not in these pictures of him ON HIS WAY TO BREAK INTO CARS AT MURRAY HILLS ! We actually have GASP many GASP BLACK families that live in ROLO. We are concerned about criminals in ROLO and the rest of Lake Worth. Criminals come in all shades.

Lynn Anderson said...

This is a photo of a guy who rode up to our community at Lakeside Point Gardens on his bike at 11:30 at off and then started casing the place. Luckily an owner here photographed him, called 911. By the time the PBSO arrived it was 15 minutes later. Way too late. I would hate to make a bet whether any deputy looked around for this guy.

Anonymous said...

Buy a big dog, and train it.

Anonymous said...

9:34am :another post from a hypocrite, race baiter the picture speaks for itself and would be equally disgusting if it were a sober house freak with tatoos and vaping.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, get a big dog and train it!!!


It works!

Lynn Anderson said...

Actually, anonymous at 10:31, we should double our public safety budget. Obviously we are not paying enough. :)

Anonymous said...

9:34am would you please take this fine young man into your home, give him a good education and upbringing and if you have a daughter give him that too because nothing is too good for hand outs.