Saturday, June 4, 2016

ACLU boss quits

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Cartoon by A.F. Branco

Maya Dillard Smith, the now former Georgia ACLU Chief said the ACLU is no longer an organization that supports all rights, but has evolved into a “special interest organization” that advocates only for “certain progressive rights.”

Smith also charged that the ACLU tailors its activities to satisfy the progressives who are funding the group’s lobbying activities one of which is Obama's transgender bathroom rights. A transgender called her a B*itch and told her to STFU.  We usually hear that sort of rhetoric from "progressives."



Anonymous said...

i would be more scared to see a wet clam that a breeding ground for bacteria

Lynn Anderson said...

Ok, perhaps you can explain what that means--without getting too graphic.

Anonymous said...

why is everyone scared of a penis and not a vagina

Anonymous said...

your wrong what about the teacher that has sex with underage boy and had a baby--then married him when she got out of prison---mary k laturno---spelling wrong