Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Every day is a good day to go to the Lake Worth Beach

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Barbara Jean having fun at the Lake Worth Beach T-Shirt company owned by our good friend, Barry Freedman, whose store is located at the Lake Worth Casino.

Remember Barry's motto--"It's always a good day to go to the beach."


Anonymous said...

Love our beach too, I just wish we would outlaw cigarette smoking or smoking of any kind on our beach, 1.) smokers never pick up there butts, so many cig. butts all over our beach, 2.) smokers blow their smoke all over. Our beach should stop allowing people to smoke on it, it is a public place and we nonsmokers should not have to be subjected to smokers anywhere near us in a public place like a beach. They are doing away with smoking on the Trirail platforms, they need to do away with smoking at our beach, in bars, and all public places. Smokers suck, they just do not care, they trash their butts all over the ground, suck in cancer, and just do not care about others, it is time to stop smoking at our beach too!

Anonymous said...

Smokers are addicts . It's very tough to quit.

Lynn Anderson said...

Nicotine is not the addiction, grabbing that cigarette is the habit. And no matter what someone says, it is all mind over matter. I've been there--done that. If you want to do something, you will.

Anonymous said...

The city should empower the lifeguards to issue citations to people who litter since their the ones that have to pick up everyone's trash. Its sad ppl cant be curtious to others and the environment and simply pick up their own trash