Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Friday, January 31, 2014
The Palm Beach Fanjul Dynasty
Palm Beacher, Pepe Fanjul
An example of attaining the American Dream
and being among the One-Percenters
and being among the One-Percenters
Florida Crystals owned by the Palm Beach Fanjuls, launched a real estate investment division, Legacy Investments of Boca Raton. It is just one subsidiary of the Fanjul conglomerate. VP Jose "Pepe" Fanjul said that their development plan is part of the company's strategy to continue to participate in the region's (Florida's) growth. In actuality, it's not only Florida they want to pave over but they are looking to develop throughout the country.
Since Florida's Growth Management Act was gutted and the oversight shifted from state to local government control of the planning and growth management process, we are seeing more and more of these types of decisions with a lot of pressure put on local governments to approve huge projects--22 story condos on the waterfront in West Palm Beach just recently. Even in Lake Worth, the assumptive and driven developer oriented dais decided not to honor the will of the people who won an election to keep its downtown no more than four stories.
Just about one year ago, Florida Crystals’ purchased 33.1 acres in western Delray Beach for nearly $10 million. The property is slated for 395 multifamily units. Now the Fanjul operative was back in the news yesterday as the top bidder for the A. G. Holley property--$15.6 million for 80 acres in Lantana. Governor Rick Scott and his Cabinet will have to approve the bid.
The Fanjul brothers were large shareholders and directors of Southeast Bank before its takeover and liquidation by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1991. In addition, they are the majority shareholders and directors of FAIC Securities, which was investigated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for regulatory violations, so says Wikipedia.
While the U.S. government has spent millions in farm subsidies on the Fanjuls, the Cuban expats allegedly tried to torpedo the CAFCA free-trade agreement in the mid-2000s because it was expected to threaten their bottom line. Eventually passed, CAFCA established a free-trade zone that included the USA, the Caribbean and Central America. Read the Forbes article on all the wheeling dealing.
1 percent,
A.G. Holley,
Palm Beach
Crime in Downtown Lake Worth
Palm Beach County Sheriff
1/30/2014 12:52:00 PM
Mata is back!
Mata the tiger has been gone for two years fathering three cubs at Busch Gardens. Now he's back at our own Palm Beach Zoo to hopefully mate with Berapi.
Go see Mata and all our wonderful animals at the best zoo around located at 1301 Summit Boulevard, West Palm Beach.
Lake Worth has a new Finance Director
Comment Up
Unbeknown to the residents here in Lake Worth, we have a new Finance Director--Douglas R. Wood from Ft. Lauderdale. He started with us yesterday. Don't you think there would have been an announcement on this? When calling the department, there was a voice recording telling me there was no one there to take my call. When talking to former finance Director Steve Carr last week, he said that all the applicants were top quality.
All applications were into the city early November. I have been told that the list was narrowed down to the following three. I have listed their last three places of employment.
1. David A. Boyd, Delray Beach, FL
City of Delray Beach—Director of Finance. 3/01/11 - 11/01/13--$128,000
City of Smyrna, GA—Director of Finance. 12/07/05 – 02/11-11
Christian City, Inc, Union City, GA—VP of Finance – 01/94 – 10/05
Oversight of $170 million budget in Delray Beach.
University of Georgia--MPA, BA
Master of Public Administration
BA in Political Science
Certified Public Accountant
2. Holly Vath, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Health Care District of PB County—Chief Financial officer. 10/10/05 – 10/29/13--$40-50 an hour
Village of Wellington—Deputy Director of Administrative and Financial Services. 10/01 – 10/10/05
City of Palm Beach Gardens—Assistant Finance Director. 08/89 – 10/01
Florida Atlantic University--Master of Public Administration
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--BS Degree Computer Science
Certified Fraud Examiner
Certified Government Finance Officer
3. Douglas Richard Wood, Fort Lauderdale
City of Ft. Lauderdale—Director of Finance. 2/14/11 –present, $161,688
City of Lufkin Texas—Director of Finance. 1/31/00 – 3/8-11
HTE, Lake Mary, FL—consultant for govt application software. 04/98 – 02/00
30 years experience in government sector sector management. Currently oversees a budget of $275.4 MM in the General Fund with a total operating budget for FY 2014 of $530 MM.
National College--BA with an undergraduate in Business with focus in Accounting
Certified Government Finance Manager...
Unbeknown to the residents here in Lake Worth, we have a new Finance Director--Douglas R. Wood from Ft. Lauderdale. He started with us yesterday. Don't you think there would have been an announcement on this? When calling the department, there was a voice recording telling me there was no one there to take my call. When talking to former finance Director Steve Carr last week, he said that all the applicants were top quality.
All applications were into the city early November. I have been told that the list was narrowed down to the following three. I have listed their last three places of employment.
1. David A. Boyd, Delray Beach, FL
City of Delray Beach—Director of Finance. 3/01/11 - 11/01/13--$128,000
City of Smyrna, GA—Director of Finance. 12/07/05 – 02/11-11
Christian City, Inc, Union City, GA—VP of Finance – 01/94 – 10/05
Oversight of $170 million budget in Delray Beach.
University of Georgia--MPA, BA
Master of Public Administration
BA in Political Science
Certified Public Accountant
2. Holly Vath, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Health Care District of PB County—Chief Financial officer. 10/10/05 – 10/29/13--$40-50 an hour
Village of Wellington—Deputy Director of Administrative and Financial Services. 10/01 – 10/10/05
City of Palm Beach Gardens—Assistant Finance Director. 08/89 – 10/01
Florida Atlantic University--Master of Public Administration
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--BS Degree Computer Science
Certified Fraud Examiner
Certified Government Finance Officer
3. Douglas Richard Wood, Fort Lauderdale
City of Ft. Lauderdale—Director of Finance. 2/14/11 –present, $161,688
City of Lufkin Texas—Director of Finance. 1/31/00 – 3/8-11
HTE, Lake Mary, FL—consultant for govt application software. 04/98 – 02/00
30 years experience in government sector sector management. Currently oversees a budget of $275.4 MM in the General Fund with a total operating budget for FY 2014 of $530 MM.
National College--BA with an undergraduate in Business with focus in Accounting
Certified Government Finance Manager...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Quote of the Day - Glenn Beck - Obama going around the Constitution

~ Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck,
Quote of the Day,
State of the Union
Reporter "gotcha" moment took a "Grimm" turn
Comment Up
A reporter who did not follow the parameters previously set for the interview on Obama's SOTU speech, learned not to mess around with a former FBI agent, businessman, an attorney, U.S. Marine, having served in the Persian Gulf War and a present United States Congressman.
A reporter who did not follow the parameters previously set for the interview on Obama's SOTU speech, learned not to mess around with a former FBI agent, businessman, an attorney, U.S. Marine, having served in the Persian Gulf War and a present United States Congressman.
The Rock Stars
Comment Up
There was nothing much on Tuesday night's agenda and there are actually some people who think this is a good thing--they get to leave the commission chamber early and go do what they like to do. It is not keeping the residents informed...that is not part of the agenda.
The one item that was pulled OFF the agenda was the $224,000 yearly contract for five years with Level One LLC for utility billing processing, printing and mailing services that was approved by the Electric Utility Advisory Board. No explanation was given as to why this item was deleted. The commission either believes 1) that it does not have to give an explanation or 2) it can't be bothered--just one more thing off their plate to get out early. It wasn't that long ago when they condemned the Utility for such a thought of outsourcing anything. Even the idea of becoming more proficient through out-sourcing was a bad idea.
Back in September 2012, it was strongly recommended that we outsource our Utility Customer Service department to finally whip that department back into shape. We were going to save 1/2 million dollars the first year alone. Instead we had to hear political mumbo jumbo from the trio commissioners who are now up for re-election. McVoy and Mulvehill were FOR outsourcing. This "business-minded" Trio inferred that it was the Utility Director's fault for having lousy customer service, etc., etc. etc. Outsourcing anything then was one big horrible decision or so they said...unions to deal with and loyalty to employees even if they couldn't do their job.
When it came to the City Manager Report, none was report is EVER given by the city manager. Keeping people in the dark is the business of this administration. But they may have something there--very few people care because if they did, they would question and they don't. They still follow the trio like sheep or rock stars--take your pick.
There was nothing much on Tuesday night's agenda and there are actually some people who think this is a good thing--they get to leave the commission chamber early and go do what they like to do. It is not keeping the residents informed...that is not part of the agenda.
The one item that was pulled OFF the agenda was the $224,000 yearly contract for five years with Level One LLC for utility billing processing, printing and mailing services that was approved by the Electric Utility Advisory Board. No explanation was given as to why this item was deleted. The commission either believes 1) that it does not have to give an explanation or 2) it can't be bothered--just one more thing off their plate to get out early. It wasn't that long ago when they condemned the Utility for such a thought of outsourcing anything. Even the idea of becoming more proficient through out-sourcing was a bad idea.
Back in September 2012, it was strongly recommended that we outsource our Utility Customer Service department to finally whip that department back into shape. We were going to save 1/2 million dollars the first year alone. Instead we had to hear political mumbo jumbo from the trio commissioners who are now up for re-election. McVoy and Mulvehill were FOR outsourcing. This "business-minded" Trio inferred that it was the Utility Director's fault for having lousy customer service, etc., etc. etc. Outsourcing anything then was one big horrible decision or so they said...unions to deal with and loyalty to employees even if they couldn't do their job.
When it came to the City Manager Report, none was report is EVER given by the city manager. Keeping people in the dark is the business of this administration. But they may have something there--very few people care because if they did, they would question and they don't. They still follow the trio like sheep or rock stars--take your pick.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Southern Snow Storm Strands Students
Thank God we're in southern Florida-- and so much for global warming--
Quote of the Day - Allen West

~ Allen West
Read what West has to say
South Florida Fair 2014
Monday, January 27. Great day for the fair.
The Ice Show, "New York on Ice" was held at the Ford Theater and is at the Fair every day. At the Coca Cola Stage at 2pm was the Country Gold Tour, a 2 hour show of fabulous country music with Leroy Van Dyke, T. G. Sheppard, Lynn Anderson and Country Hall of Famer, Bobby Bare. The popular Dennis Lee will be appearing through the end of the Fair. We were there for 6 hours--not enough time to see it all...need another day.
The Ice Show, "New York on Ice" was held at the Ford Theater and is at the Fair every day. At the Coca Cola Stage at 2pm was the Country Gold Tour, a 2 hour show of fabulous country music with Leroy Van Dyke, T. G. Sheppard, Lynn Anderson and Country Hall of Famer, Bobby Bare. The popular Dennis Lee will be appearing through the end of the Fair. We were there for 6 hours--not enough time to see it all...need another day.
Daddy/Daughter & Mother/Son Date Night
City of Lake Worth,
Recreation Department
Address: Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth, FL
WHERE:CASINO BALLROOM, 10 South Ocean Boulevard
WHO: Calling all Dads, Grandfathers & Uncles looking to showcase your little princess during a night she’ll always remember. Show your daughter(s) the true meaning of a “Perfect Date” by actually taking her out on one. Dress up in your finest attire and bring your daughter on a date to a beautiful ballroom especially designed for a princess like her. There will be elegant dining complimented by music, games and fun Daddy-Daughter activities.
We haven’t forgotten you moms wishing to bring your handsome prince. You are more than welcome to show off your son(s) as your pride and joy as well. The Cost: $30.00/couple, which includes all of the festivities listed above. An additional $12.00/person is required for more than two (2) people.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To register or for additional information please contact the Lake Worth Recreation Department at 561-533-7363 or Melissa Garvin @ 561-719-5002. Please download registration forms at
WHERE:CASINO BALLROOM, 10 South Ocean Boulevard
WHO: Calling all Dads, Grandfathers & Uncles looking to showcase your little princess during a night she’ll always remember. Show your daughter(s) the true meaning of a “Perfect Date” by actually taking her out on one. Dress up in your finest attire and bring your daughter on a date to a beautiful ballroom especially designed for a princess like her. There will be elegant dining complimented by music, games and fun Daddy-Daughter activities.
We haven’t forgotten you moms wishing to bring your handsome prince. You are more than welcome to show off your son(s) as your pride and joy as well. The Cost: $30.00/couple, which includes all of the festivities listed above. An additional $12.00/person is required for more than two (2) people.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To register or for additional information please contact the Lake Worth Recreation Department at 561-533-7363 or Melissa Garvin @ 561-719-5002. Please download registration forms at
Snowbird Squawkers
Comment Up
Last night at the city commission meeting we had some unhappy "snowbirds." They were unhappy that some services have been eliminated for Seniors. They were unhappy there was no more Bocce court at Bryant Park. They were unhappy that they can't have a decal parking sticker as "we pay more taxes than you do." They were also disgruntled that they can't vote here. That squawk takes the cake.
None with whom I spoke were United States Citizens.
It is a mystery why foreigners, or any snowbird for that matter, who have winter residences here want to change our rules--want to change county laws or even Federal laws for that matter. The thought that occurred to me was what if I owned a condo in Canada, visited there during the Summer and told their elected bodies that they were unfair, I was picked on because, well gee, I couldn't vote for Stephen Harper or have the exact same advantages that their year round citizens have, they would think I was just another "ugly" arrogant American who was out of her mind.
In our condo complex, it is all French Canadians and some Finns who break the rules. Rules are for "the other guy"--those people who live here all year round.
Snowbirds come down to Florida for a mini vacation. Those from a particular area ban together. They believe that the "resort" should look after their every wish and the hell with Florida statutes and the laws on the books. We have an owner who brought down his own satellite dish and installed it on our property, stealing a signal from some American company somewhere. Aside from that, it is against our rules. It's still there. He will drag out the infraction until he leaves to go back to Quebec in March. We have another one who is renting his unit without paying the City of Lake Worth a rental fee. He ignores my requests to do the right thing and discards the application form. We have another one across the way who sells cars out of the parking area without a business license, etc. He now parks the car in our downtown with for Sale signs or at the county park on the side of the road.
Non-citizens understand our laws; they just don't want to. Now Commissioner Amoroso and Mayor Triolo want to look into the situation for these "poor" people who have to pay $2 an hour to park at our beach instead of being allowed to get a decal sticker. We have sold 1,000 decals for 50 spots. Commissioner Szerdi says he always finds a spot. And Scott Maxwell wants to waste more time with another workshop, the cure all to everything.
Just tell them "no" and get on to business.
Last night at the city commission meeting we had some unhappy "snowbirds." They were unhappy that some services have been eliminated for Seniors. They were unhappy there was no more Bocce court at Bryant Park. They were unhappy that they can't have a decal parking sticker as "we pay more taxes than you do." They were also disgruntled that they can't vote here. That squawk takes the cake.
None with whom I spoke were United States Citizens.
It is a mystery why foreigners, or any snowbird for that matter, who have winter residences here want to change our rules--want to change county laws or even Federal laws for that matter. The thought that occurred to me was what if I owned a condo in Canada, visited there during the Summer and told their elected bodies that they were unfair, I was picked on because, well gee, I couldn't vote for Stephen Harper or have the exact same advantages that their year round citizens have, they would think I was just another "ugly" arrogant American who was out of her mind.
In our condo complex, it is all French Canadians and some Finns who break the rules. Rules are for "the other guy"--those people who live here all year round.
Snowbirds come down to Florida for a mini vacation. Those from a particular area ban together. They believe that the "resort" should look after their every wish and the hell with Florida statutes and the laws on the books. We have an owner who brought down his own satellite dish and installed it on our property, stealing a signal from some American company somewhere. Aside from that, it is against our rules. It's still there. He will drag out the infraction until he leaves to go back to Quebec in March. We have another one who is renting his unit without paying the City of Lake Worth a rental fee. He ignores my requests to do the right thing and discards the application form. We have another one across the way who sells cars out of the parking area without a business license, etc. He now parks the car in our downtown with for Sale signs or at the county park on the side of the road.
Non-citizens understand our laws; they just don't want to. Now Commissioner Amoroso and Mayor Triolo want to look into the situation for these "poor" people who have to pay $2 an hour to park at our beach instead of being allowed to get a decal sticker. We have sold 1,000 decals for 50 spots. Commissioner Szerdi says he always finds a spot. And Scott Maxwell wants to waste more time with another workshop, the cure all to everything.
Just tell them "no" and get on to business.
Andy Amoroso,
Bryant Park,
Decal Parking,
John Szerdi,
Pam Triolo,
Scott Maxwell,
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Homeless guy commits armed car jacking in Lake Worth
Comment Up
Giovanni Santana Viera was arrested Friday on charges of armed carjacking with a deadly weapon on North D Street.
Race: White
DOB: 06/09/1983
Booking Number:2014003461
He remained in custody
at the Palm Beach County Jail late Monday in lieu of $15,000 bail.
Giovanni Santana Viera was arrested Friday on charges of armed carjacking with a deadly weapon on North D Street.
Race: White
DOB: 06/09/1983
FL 00000
Main Detention Center
OBTS Number: 5002262492
Booking Date/Time: 01/24/2014 19:02
Cell Location:
Arresting Agency:
Release Date: N/A
Holds For Other Agencies:No
Jacket Number: 0402329
Booking Number:2014003461
Charges: | |
Another crime on South J Street
This is getting to be an every-day occurrence.
THEFT/LARCENY--14031240--000 BLOCK S J ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--1/27/2014 3:39:00 PM
THEFT/LARCENY--14031240--000 BLOCK S J ST--Palm Beach County Sheriff--1/27/2014 3:39:00 PM
Quote of the Day - Cathy McMorris Rodgers - on the State of the Union
Comment Up
McMorris Rodgers will be giving the Republican Address to the Nation following Obama's State of the Union address tonight, Tuesday, January 28, 2014.
“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is proof that with humility, hard work, and dedication, you can overcome any obstacle – a story to which many Americans can relate. Through the lens of her family’s experiences, Cathy will share our vision for a better America built on a thriving middle class, guided by a fierce belief in life and liberty, and grounded in greater trust between citizens and their government. We are grateful to Cathy for lending her voice and perspective to this national occasion.”
~ Speaker John Boehner
“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is an excellent choice to present the Republican Address and share an alternative approach to the President’s plans to grow an already enormous federal bureaucracy. Her experience, hard work and commitment to family provide an example that Americans outside the halls of Congress understand. A strong advocate of empowering citizens rather than just the federal government, Cathy is the right choice to deliver this important address.”
~ Senator Mitch McConnell
“I am honored to speak with Americans in every corner of the country on Tuesday and to share our Republican vision for a better future – one that trusts the American people and doesn’t limit where you finish because of where you started.”
~ Rep (WA) Cathy McMorris Rodgers
NOTE: The Republican Address to the Nation will be live streamed at An audio .mp3 of the biographical video can be downloaded here.
McMorris Rodgers will be giving the Republican Address to the Nation following Obama's State of the Union address tonight, Tuesday, January 28, 2014.
“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is proof that with humility, hard work, and dedication, you can overcome any obstacle – a story to which many Americans can relate. Through the lens of her family’s experiences, Cathy will share our vision for a better America built on a thriving middle class, guided by a fierce belief in life and liberty, and grounded in greater trust between citizens and their government. We are grateful to Cathy for lending her voice and perspective to this national occasion.”
~ Speaker John Boehner
“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is an excellent choice to present the Republican Address and share an alternative approach to the President’s plans to grow an already enormous federal bureaucracy. Her experience, hard work and commitment to family provide an example that Americans outside the halls of Congress understand. A strong advocate of empowering citizens rather than just the federal government, Cathy is the right choice to deliver this important address.”
~ Senator Mitch McConnell
“I am honored to speak with Americans in every corner of the country on Tuesday and to share our Republican vision for a better future – one that trusts the American people and doesn’t limit where you finish because of where you started.”
~ Rep (WA) Cathy McMorris Rodgers
NOTE: The Republican Address to the Nation will be live streamed at An audio .mp3 of the biographical video can be downloaded here.
Political Parties,
Quote of the Day,
State of the Union
Urban Lofts in Lake Worth Open House
Comment Up
On Sunday the CRA organized an open house for the public and the benefit of all those who bought into the urban lofts artist project in order to display their art. We stopped by after the Playhouse to see what was happening. Many of the studios were open for our inspection. Unfortunately I did not have the time to talk with any of the studio/loft owners who got the deal of a lifetime!
These artist lofts were built by the CRA with NSP2 grant funds paid by the taxpayers of the United States for $4.5 to $5 million. The CRA sold all twelve, 3,000 square foot townhouses to artists whose credit score was 550 or better and not making more than 120 percent of the area median income for Palm Beach County of $73,080 for a family of two in a neighborhood already filled with families of the working poor. Originally CRA Director, Joan Oliva, said that the price on these 3,000 s.f. units with garage would range from $90,000 to $110,000.
On Sunday the CRA organized an open house for the public and the benefit of all those who bought into the urban lofts artist project in order to display their art. We stopped by after the Playhouse to see what was happening. Many of the studios were open for our inspection. Unfortunately I did not have the time to talk with any of the studio/loft owners who got the deal of a lifetime!
These artist lofts were built by the CRA with NSP2 grant funds paid by the taxpayers of the United States for $4.5 to $5 million. The CRA sold all twelve, 3,000 square foot townhouses to artists whose credit score was 550 or better and not making more than 120 percent of the area median income for Palm Beach County of $73,080 for a family of two in a neighborhood already filled with families of the working poor. Originally CRA Director, Joan Oliva, said that the price on these 3,000 s.f. units with garage would range from $90,000 to $110,000.
City of Lake Worth,
Urban Lofts
The "surprise"
The "before" photo--what is it?
A bad "selfie" but you can get the picture. Thought of our old friend, Donna Ross with this hat.
Bought this at the Sand Sculpting event this past Saturday at our glorious Lake Worth beach.
City of Lake Worth,
Sand Sculpting
Lake Worth Wins by one point
Message from the Dorsey's on last night's Lake Worth High school basketball game against Park Vista:
LW 51
Monday, January 27, 2014
How low can you go?
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It seems Battleground Texas and the strategy of Wendy Davis’ is to win the Governor’s seat by mocking Attorney General Abbott’s disability.
It seems Battleground Texas and the strategy of Wendy Davis’ is to win the Governor’s seat by mocking Attorney General Abbott’s disability.
Wendy Davis
Truth about Benghazi
Found on Facebook--a telling tale--and she got it right.
- Janet Stangel
Senator, Thank you for your passion in wanting to get to the truth about Benghazi. In my research I have come to the following conclusion: Obama was running guns to the Syrian Rebels (who we know now is basically the Muslim Brotherhood). Chris Stevens found out the truth about what was going on. Since Al Qaeda is prevalent there (we know this because they had flags flying there), it was easy for Obama to refuse extra security and then take security away so it left an unprotected mission. Sept 11 was upon us. Men were seen taking pics of the compound that day. Chris Stevens asked for help that very day. Sean Smith wrote to someone that he didn't expect to live out that day. They knew they were going to die. Had it not been for Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty all the people at the mission and Annex could have died.
It angers me that the narrative continues to say that Obama didn't send troops because there were none close enough. Really? Several retired Military officers as well as retired special operatives all said there were plenty of "assets" close enough to send in for help. The mission was attacked, they killed Sean Smith, they kidnapped Chris Stevens (who was still alive) and he was beaten, tortured, and dragged through the streets. It is just as nauseating to me that the Senate & House committees are putting forth a narrative that Stevens died of smoke inhalation. Other stories suggest that some people in the area friendly to Stevens took him to the hospital. Not true. So it wasn't enough that Obama conveniently arranged circumstances that led to these brave men's deaths, these men suffered as well. We, the American people are not stupid. Obama said it himself: "if you have something to hide you will not tell the truth." Conversely, if you are lying you have something to hide." Either way, he and Hillary are guilty of both. We have had nothing but lies and cover-ups since then.
Two Egyptian lawyers are taking a case before the international court accusing Obama and his brother of crimes against humanity because of what happened in Egypt. Why are you all afraid to stand up for the truth? If circumstances are going to be considered "top secret," then Obama and his cronies win. He flies in the face of the Constitution, The Senate, The Congress, The Republican Party and most of all, The American Citizen. Instead of hiding the truth out of fear of him, the truth should be told in support of the American citizen. We are losing our country to him. He is laughing because his motives are clear, he is taking our country the way of the Muslim. He is furthering the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. He refuses to stand for Israel. Israel has been our long time ally. If we do not stand with Israel, God will not stand for us. Obama has transformed the middle east and the United States of America in 5 short years. It is time that all of you stand up and take care of our country. If not, all will be lost. We don't have time to wait until Nov 2014. He will take over before then and then it wont matter because there will no longer be a Senate or a Congress.
We have two very strong examples in history: the American Revolution and WWII. The Declaration of Independence so clearly lays out the manor in which the King ruled over the "colonies." You can just add Obama's name next to "King." Hitler's rise to power in Germany could be a blue print for what we are seeing today. He started by undermining the economy. Then he started to tell the country about those individuals who didn't deserve to breathe the same air as the "Aryan race"-- Jews, cripples, enemies of the state, Christians and sympathizers. He started by introducing these ideas through the youth of the country and the military. Our schools are virtually being remade before our eyes. The military as well. How long will all of you stand for this. These are not conspiracy theories. They are being played out right before our eyes. We, the American Citizens, are becoming increasingly frightened. But, I guess that is his intention: cause fear and apathy among the people.
House on the Lake Worth golf course
Comment Up
It's a beautiful house on the Lake Worth golf course. To curb a rumor and character assassination started on a local blog (something for which that blog is well known), don't try and buy this house--it is NOT for sale.
The false rumor was started to discredit those who reside there and injure reputations of those who live in our city. These people aren't running for office nor are they sitting on a city board, just private citizens. Some bloggers know exactly how to manipulate the mechanics of false rumors especially when they are bullies.
It's a beautiful house on the Lake Worth golf course. To curb a rumor and character assassination started on a local blog (something for which that blog is well known), don't try and buy this house--it is NOT for sale.
The false rumor was started to discredit those who reside there and injure reputations of those who live in our city. These people aren't running for office nor are they sitting on a city board, just private citizens. Some bloggers know exactly how to manipulate the mechanics of false rumors especially when they are bullies.
People who make decisions for you
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City Board appointments ARE a big deal. They have always been political. The reason that they are a big deal is that they are chosen by elected officials to make decisions that reflect the politics of those in power. These men and women affect us all--such as how our city looks, how high buildings can go, how many bars are in the downtown, ooops, bars with restaurants, and the commission uses their recommendations as references of authority and often times to justify their decisions. The Planning & Zoning board as well as the Historical Board can make sole decisions without even going in front of the commission for approval. And of course, we must have "qualified" people to serve.
The commission made an Ordinance on February 5, 2013 amending the board appointment process-- that they no longer have to conduct public interviews for those wanting to get on city boards. The appointments are all made behind closed doors out of the Sunshine. The appointee, after chosen by a particular commissioner, then goes before the entire commission to ratify and agree with their comrade who made the recommendation. I would wager to say not one commissioner ever reads the bios on these appointees.
The Mayor has now appointed three people to the following boards with no information in the back-up on these individuals. The appointments are on the Consent Agenda. You want to know who is making decisions for the city, then you have to pay for the information. The only reason that any discussion from the public is allowed on a Consent Agenda item now is because they have to allow it by law. In the past, if the item was not pulled for discussion, no input from the public was allowed. So, basically, by providing no back-up information on these appointees, we are still in the dark, sanctioned by the least transparent city government in my memory.
Condensed information that I could conjure up:
Finance Advisory Board: William Shinedling to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: Graduate of Lake Worth High and long time resident. Retired from the U.S.A.F and U.S.P.O. He has an interest in government budgets and was the squadron wing budget manager when in the Air Force.
Recreation Board: Jason Vazquez to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: Mr. Vasquez lives on S. D Street and has been here for 1.5 years. With a college degree, he is a captain on the Neighborhood Enhancement team in his neighborhood for the CRA. Volunteered in clean-ups and the recent triathlon. He has an interest in developing a curriculum for children and adults.
Planning & Zoning Board: Anthony Marotta to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: He is a college graduate with a degree in marketing/business/finance. Presently a business owner in property management in WPB who lives on N. Lakeside Drive. At the time of his application in November 2013, he had been a resident here for one month. He served on an HOA board for 10 years. Mr. Marotta says, "I have an interest in strategic urban planning and believe it is the cornerstone of a vibrant and economically sound community which benefits all stakeholders.
City Board appointments ARE a big deal. They have always been political. The reason that they are a big deal is that they are chosen by elected officials to make decisions that reflect the politics of those in power. These men and women affect us all--such as how our city looks, how high buildings can go, how many bars are in the downtown, ooops, bars with restaurants, and the commission uses their recommendations as references of authority and often times to justify their decisions. The Planning & Zoning board as well as the Historical Board can make sole decisions without even going in front of the commission for approval. And of course, we must have "qualified" people to serve.
The commission made an Ordinance on February 5, 2013 amending the board appointment process-- that they no longer have to conduct public interviews for those wanting to get on city boards. The appointments are all made behind closed doors out of the Sunshine. The appointee, after chosen by a particular commissioner, then goes before the entire commission to ratify and agree with their comrade who made the recommendation. I would wager to say not one commissioner ever reads the bios on these appointees.
The Mayor has now appointed three people to the following boards with no information in the back-up on these individuals. The appointments are on the Consent Agenda. You want to know who is making decisions for the city, then you have to pay for the information. The only reason that any discussion from the public is allowed on a Consent Agenda item now is because they have to allow it by law. In the past, if the item was not pulled for discussion, no input from the public was allowed. So, basically, by providing no back-up information on these appointees, we are still in the dark, sanctioned by the least transparent city government in my memory.
Condensed information that I could conjure up:
Finance Advisory Board: William Shinedling to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: Graduate of Lake Worth High and long time resident. Retired from the U.S.A.F and U.S.P.O. He has an interest in government budgets and was the squadron wing budget manager when in the Air Force.
Recreation Board: Jason Vazquez to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: Mr. Vasquez lives on S. D Street and has been here for 1.5 years. With a college degree, he is a captain on the Neighborhood Enhancement team in his neighborhood for the CRA. Volunteered in clean-ups and the recent triathlon. He has an interest in developing a curriculum for children and adults.
Planning & Zoning Board: Anthony Marotta to fill an unexpired term ending on July 31, 2016
Credentials: He is a college graduate with a degree in marketing/business/finance. Presently a business owner in property management in WPB who lives on N. Lakeside Drive. At the time of his application in November 2013, he had been a resident here for one month. He served on an HOA board for 10 years. Mr. Marotta says, "I have an interest in strategic urban planning and believe it is the cornerstone of a vibrant and economically sound community which benefits all stakeholders.
City of Lake Worth,
Pam Triolo,
Quote of the Day - Allen West

I’m waiting for Obama to apply 'income equality' to Jay Z and Beyonce."
~ Allen West
Allen West,
Quote of the Day,
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Ain't Misbehavin now playing at the Lake Worth Playhouse
The cast gets an A for effort...they were all talented. There for one more week.
The Playhouse says, The outrageously prodigious comic and musical soul of 1930’s Harlem lives on in this rollicking, swinging, finger-snapping revue that is considered one of Broadway’s best.
The inimitable Thomas “Fats” Waller rose to international fame during the Golden Age of the Cotton Club, honky tonk dives along Lenox Avenue, rent parties, stride piano players and that jumpin’ new beat, Swing. Although not quite a biography, Ain’t Misbehavin’ evokes the delightful humor and infectious energy of this American original as a versatile cast struts, strums and sings the songs he made famous in a career that ranged from uptown clubs to downtown Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood and concert stages in the U.S. and Europe.
The Playhouse says, The outrageously prodigious comic and musical soul of 1930’s Harlem lives on in this rollicking, swinging, finger-snapping revue that is considered one of Broadway’s best.
The inimitable Thomas “Fats” Waller rose to international fame during the Golden Age of the Cotton Club, honky tonk dives along Lenox Avenue, rent parties, stride piano players and that jumpin’ new beat, Swing. Although not quite a biography, Ain’t Misbehavin’ evokes the delightful humor and infectious energy of this American original as a versatile cast struts, strums and sings the songs he made famous in a career that ranged from uptown clubs to downtown Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood and concert stages in the U.S. and Europe.
Hole in the Wall--literally
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Property at 801 Lake Avenue--This is the "hole in the wall" where the graffiti was on the wall for nearly one year until Katie painted it over. This area is becoming unsavory -- more crime and infractions escalating. What are you going to do about it all, Commissioner Amoroso?
Property at 801 Lake Avenue--This is the "hole in the wall" where the graffiti was on the wall for nearly one year until Katie painted it over. This area is becoming unsavory -- more crime and infractions escalating. What are you going to do about it all, Commissioner Amoroso?
Quotes of the Day - On Gay Marriage
Comment Up
"Florida is one of those states that it looks like it (gay marriage) is going to have to be through the courts."
~ Tony Plakas,
Executive Director of Compass in Lake Worth
"Gay activists cannot win in the marketplace of ideas, so they have resorted to trying to find renegade courts..."
~ John Sternberger,
President of the Florida Family Policy Council

Executive Director of Compass in Lake Worth
"Gay activists cannot win in the marketplace of ideas, so they have resorted to trying to find renegade courts..."
~ John Sternberger,
President of the Florida Family Policy Council
Gay Marriage,
Quote of the Day
Rick Scott will give Defense Grants
For 15 years these grants have helped Florida maintain its reputation as
the most military-friendly state in the nation, according to the
governor's office and the commitment will continue. 14 communities that host military installations will be the lucky winners of $2.45 million in defense grants..
Read more... at Sunshine State News.
Read more... at Sunshine State News.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Sand Sculpting and Art at Lake Worth beach
Arrived in the morning and the weather was perfect. It was the 2nd most fabulous event at the Lake Worth Beach. Bought a packet of Lake Worth postcards photographed and produced by AnnaMaria--really fabulous. She is the only artist per se at the event. Also bought a hat! If you haven't yet seen the sand sculpting or have not visited the vendors, it's a must. Through tomorrow at 5pm.
City of Lake Worth,
Sand Sculpting
Book Sale today - Lake Worth Library
Former Commissioner, Honey Duncan and June Evans
BarbaraJean bought me a book entitled Liberty and Tyranny, a conservative manifesto by Mark Levin. Can't wait to delve into this one!
Quote of the Day - Mike Huckabee

~ Mike Huckabee
Talking about women and birth control and the liberal left media taking his remarks out of context. Click here... and read the story.
Mike Huckabee,
News Media,
Quote of the Day
A Creep in Lake Worth
FL 33461
The child is 3 years old!
Read about it... and view the video.
The child is 3 years old!
Read about it... and view the video.
Mugging on South J Street Lake Worth
Photograph by Roving Photographer
UPDATE--Crime Reports:
ROBBERY - PERSON 14030067 000 BLOCK S J ST Palm Beach County Sheriff 1/24/2014 3:32:00 PM
THEFT/LARCENY - 14030179 000 BLOCK S J ST Palm Beach County Sheriff 1/24/2014 3:32:00 PM
Downtown Lake Worth,
Streets and Alleys
Friday, January 24, 2014
Stop Pelosi PAC
Nancy Pelosi has one goal-- to win back the Speaker's gavel and enact Barack Obama's radical agenda:
• Massive tax hikes on middle-class and hardworking Americans to pay for free handouts, like government-funded abortions, never-ending unemployment benefits, welfare without work, and taxpayer subsidized birth control;
• Citizenship for millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States who, once able to vote in elections, will exponentially grow the Democratic Party and ensure their electoral success for years to come; and
• Absolute government control over our private lives -- not just whether or not we purchase health insurance, but what we look at on the Internet, who we talk to on the phone, what we purchase at the store, and even what we eat!
And who is standing in Pelosi's way? The American people and Stop Pelosi PAC.
• Massive tax hikes on middle-class and hardworking Americans to pay for free handouts, like government-funded abortions, never-ending unemployment benefits, welfare without work, and taxpayer subsidized birth control;
• Citizenship for millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States who, once able to vote in elections, will exponentially grow the Democratic Party and ensure their electoral success for years to come; and
• Absolute government control over our private lives -- not just whether or not we purchase health insurance, but what we look at on the Internet, who we talk to on the phone, what we purchase at the store, and even what we eat!
And who is standing in Pelosi's way? The American people and Stop Pelosi PAC.
Obama and Clintons accused in Egypt of Aiding Terrorists
This security agency's newly and intentionally leaked documents suggest two unthinkable conclusions -- either Muslim terror-group operatives have been wildly successful gaining access to the highest levels of U.S. power, or America's top leaders are naive, fools or traitors.
Maybe all of the above ...
Read the latest now on
This security agency's newly and intentionally leaked documents suggest two unthinkable conclusions -- either Muslim terror-group operatives have been wildly successful gaining access to the highest levels of U.S. power, or America's top leaders are naive, fools or traitors.
Maybe all of the above ...
Read the latest now on
Hillary Clinton,
Know Thy Enemy,
Quote of the Day - Pam Triolo
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“I think it’s a no-brainer.”
~ Pam Triolo, Mayor City of Lake Worth
Talking about paying Lake Worth High School for an historic building that was given to them by the city and that they allowed to decay beyond repair. The city will pay the school $30,000 and spend $10,000 for demolition in order to finally clean up that corner.

~ Pam Triolo, Mayor City of Lake Worth
Talking about paying Lake Worth High School for an historic building that was given to them by the city and that they allowed to decay beyond repair. The city will pay the school $30,000 and spend $10,000 for demolition in order to finally clean up that corner.
Senate hearing on George Tsunis for ambassador to Norway
This is the type of person Obama appoints to represent us in a foreign nation and a good friend of the united States, Norway. George Tsunis is a top donor and one who knows nothing about the country and has absolutely no ties to the country and who obviously spews Obama's illegal immigration policy. Aside from Norway being the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East on a per capita basis, Norway has strict policies on immigration.
In 2013, Norway deported 5,935 people who were illegal. This was an increase of 21 percent from 2012 and an all-time record. More than a third (2,224) of the people who were deported in 2013 had been convicted of criminal acts in Norway
To recap from Yahoo: Tsunis described Norway as having a president (“apparently under the impression that the country is a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy,” as the Local Norway's News notes dryly). And he characterized the anti-immigration Progress Party as being among “fringe elements” who “spew their hatred” and have been denounced by the government.
After hearing that, John McCain said: “The government has denounced them? The coalition government — they are a part of the coalition of the government!”
Read more by clicking here for the Foreign Senate Government Hearings.
In 2013, Norway deported 5,935 people who were illegal. This was an increase of 21 percent from 2012 and an all-time record. More than a third (2,224) of the people who were deported in 2013 had been convicted of criminal acts in Norway
To recap from Yahoo: Tsunis described Norway as having a president (“apparently under the impression that the country is a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy,” as the Local Norway's News notes dryly). And he characterized the anti-immigration Progress Party as being among “fringe elements” who “spew their hatred” and have been denounced by the government.
After hearing that, John McCain said: “The government has denounced them? The coalition government — they are a part of the coalition of the government!”
Read more by clicking here for the Foreign Senate Government Hearings.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Sand Sculpting in Lake Worth
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FREE STUFF--Free downtown parking and a free shuttle to the beach Can't beat that with a stick.
Park free in our downtown and take the shuttle from Bryant Park!
The Inaugural Lake Worth Beach Sand Sculpting and Seafood Festival is Friday, Jan. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 26 at the Lake Worth Casino Building and Beach Complex. Enjoy professional and amateur sand sculpting competitions, mouth-watering seafood, nautical vendors, a play area for kids, live music and a beach bonfire on Friday night. Festival hours are Friday, 129 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.5 p.m. Admission is free, but metered parking and some activities have a fee; or park downtown and ride the free shuttle from Bryant Park.
For more information, visit or call 561-533-7395.
FREE STUFF--Free downtown parking and a free shuttle to the beach Can't beat that with a stick.
Park free in our downtown and take the shuttle from Bryant Park!
Lake Worth Beach Sand Sculpting and Seafood Festival
The Inaugural Lake Worth Beach Sand Sculpting and Seafood Festival is Friday, Jan. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 26 at the Lake Worth Casino Building and Beach Complex. Enjoy professional and amateur sand sculpting competitions, mouth-watering seafood, nautical vendors, a play area for kids, live music and a beach bonfire on Friday night. Festival hours are Friday, 129 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.5 p.m. Admission is free, but metered parking and some activities have a fee; or park downtown and ride the free shuttle from Bryant Park.
For more information, visit or call 561-533-7395.
Muslims Petition Obama to have national school holidays for their religion
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We petition the Obama administration to: Support the movement of having Muslim holidays recognized in the school year, throughout the United States of America. With the growing population of Muslims in the United States of America (including first, second, third, and fourth generation) we believe it is high time that Muslim holidays are recognized by schools throughout this nation. Unfortunately many Muslim families are forced to choose between their children's education and their religious obligations. Muslim school children and staff deserve the same benefits afforded to the followers of other faiths. We call on President Obama to support this petition and advance the inclusiveness of our great nation.
We petition the Obama administration to: Support the movement of having Muslim holidays recognized in the school year, throughout the United States of America. With the growing population of Muslims in the United States of America (including first, second, third, and fourth generation) we believe it is high time that Muslim holidays are recognized by schools throughout this nation. Unfortunately many Muslim families are forced to choose between their children's education and their religious obligations. Muslim school children and staff deserve the same benefits afforded to the followers of other faiths. We call on President Obama to support this petition and advance the inclusiveness of our great nation.
Created: Jan 16, 2014
Whitehouse Petitions
Islam in the United States is a minority religion, practiced by less than 1% of the total population, according to estimates. It all just keeps getting wackier.
Whitehouse Petitions
Islam in the United States is a minority religion, practiced by less than 1% of the total population, according to estimates. It all just keeps getting wackier.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Jeff Clemens Chipping Away
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Jeff Clemens seems to be working over-time on questionable bills. He has several in the works, two of which are raising the speed limits on 4 lane highways and passing medical marijuana so that everyone can get a little bit dopey and dipsey. Now he wants to ease Ethics Reporting requirements just when the people already voted that they wanted more stringent over-sight.
Read about his latest scheme.
Jeff Clemens seems to be working over-time on questionable bills. He has several in the works, two of which are raising the speed limits on 4 lane highways and passing medical marijuana so that everyone can get a little bit dopey and dipsey. Now he wants to ease Ethics Reporting requirements just when the people already voted that they wanted more stringent over-sight.
Read about his latest scheme.
Do as I say; not as I do
No, it's not a tent for the Homeless
It is tarped junk/trash that has been in the parking lot for months and months in a building owned by the CRA and possibly soon to be a New City Hall. Just wondering how the city expects residents to clean up their properties when the city violates its own Code...right in our downtown...right near City Hall...right in your face.
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