Thursday, October 3, 2013

Immigrant march on City Hall demanding dignity and respect

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At Tuesday's city commission meeting, commissioner McVoy mentioned an Immigrant's march that will take place on Saturday at our Cultural Plaza. Shouldn't we be concentrating on the rights of citizens and not conscious law breakers taking to our city streets demanding some sort of warped and undeserved sense of  justice?

October 5th Events for Dignity and Respect are planned across the country! Millions of illegals will be protesting for what they consider are their rights.

Lake Worth, FL
Event: Lake Worth March for Dignity and Respect
Date/Time: October 5th, 5:00 pm
Address: 1121 Lucerne Ave (Cultural Plaza)
Organization: Aguila Quetzal
Main Point of Contact: Pedro Alaniz;; 231-838-511
Description: Meet at 1121 and march to City Hall

America is an opportunity for all, even for people who have crossed our borders ILLEGALLY.

The Republican National Committee passed a resolution calling on President Obama and Congress to pass immigration reform legislation before the end of the year, but it did not include a pathway to citizenship for any of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country, unlike the bipartisan legislation passed by the Senate in June. The resolution called for increased border security, including the completion of a border fence and increased law enforcement or military patrols, as well as mandatory employer use of the E-verify system.

So, you want dignity and respect?
What would be respectful would be for you
 to come to this country legally
 and learn English immediately. 
You lost dignity when you crossed our sovereign borders illegally.


Anonymous said...

illegals and socialists just don't get this. Perhaps if all those in favor of a pathway to citizenship for all these aliens would be forced, out of their own pocketbooks, to pay for this, it might be a different story?

Anonymous said...

Calling all ICE agents, calling all ICE agents,,,,

Anonymous said...

Gee Lynn no more Love Fest for Dr. McVoy??? Whatever will happen to this quint low rise city?

Lynn Anderson said...

Gee Wes, this is one area where I just never have agreed with Dr. McVoy but one area where you do! LOL. Ain't life a bitch?

P.S. our quaint low rise downtown is still low rise until a court says differently. Life can really be a bitch!