Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg's Gun Free Zone

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In the meantime, Bank of America executives took it upon themselves to hold up deposits to one gun manufacturer because, "WE BELIEVE YOU SHOULD NOT BE SELLING GUNS and PARTS ON THE INTERNET."

Read about what Bank of America just did to a small, legal business in America.

For even more bull, Sipsey Street has learned that a key member of the President's committee to find "the solution" to school shootings, has a son who was convicted of plotting a Columbine-style school massacre -- possibly with a service pistol obtained from his father. Who would know better than someone with first-hand experience?


Anonymous said...

Well, I won't be doing business with Bank Of America anymore! I hope they get the $hit sued out of them.Thanks ,Lynn for getting the word out about Bank of America.

Lynn Anderson said...

To the IDIOT who constantly comes over here and harasses me, this blog is to make one think. I know that's difficult but there are 2 sides to an issue. Sometimes I take sides; other times I do not. On the gun situation, I can see validity on both sides of the argument. After this morning's shooting of a mother in the north end, perhaps it is the police we need to be concerned about. Thanks for being a first-class jerk. I can always count on you, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for supplying the link so we can actually read what amounts to a load of right wing crap.

Lynn Anderson said...

Glad you liked the link...I really need to provide one on having a Sense of Humor but I doubt if it would click with you.