Grass no higher than 10 inches or you will be coded
There is good news and there is bad news. First for the Good--
On a 4/0 vote (Scott Maxwell absent) Resolution No. 03-2013 was passed.
Thanks to our reverse Osmosis Water System, South Florida Water Management has lifted the restrictions on Lake Worth. Last night's Resolution will remove the mandate for Phase III modified water restrictions within the City’s service area. With the issuance of new Water Use Permit (101215-11), Operational Order No. 2010-084-CO-WU, these restrictions were removed by the SFWM. Now we will conform to the same restrictions currently in place throughout the County which is currently set at Phase II.
The Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Rule limits landscape watering to two days a week throughout the South Florida Water Management District, with a three-day-week provision for some counties. In all cases, reclaimed water used for irrigation is exempt.
3-Day-A-Week Watering Option
(Broward, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Palm Beach and St. Lucie counties) and now Lake Worth.
The District Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Rule allows a three-day-a-week watering provision available to users who reside in counties located wholly within District boundaries. Users in these counties may water lawns and landscapes on two days or may exercise the option and irrigate a third day.
• Residents and businesses with an odd-numbered street address may water lawns and landscapes on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Saturdays, only before 10 a.m. OR after 4 p.m.
• Residents and businesses with an even-numbered street address no street address or those that irrigate both even and odd addresses within the same zones, which may include multi-family units and homeowners associations, may water lawns and landscapes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and/or Sundays, only before 10 a.m. OR after 4 p.m.
Bad News--Most residents will not be able to afford to irrigate in Lake Worth more than once a week but those who do, will be cutting their grass more often because of code fines.
Good news--The more affluent will have the resources and their lawns will, once again, become plush and their property values will climb.
Bad news--The poorer neighborhoods will continue to struggle by on once a week with lawns looking brown, dying or taken over by weeds. The Condos have already set their budget for 2013 that only factors in 1 day a week watering.
Did y9u mean IRRIGATE or did y9u mean to say IRRITATE? just wondering.
I have to agree with Loretta Sharpe's comment last night. The Utilities must need the Money. That is why they are now going to allow us to water 3 times a week, and this was brought forth by our very own ultra conservationist Mr McVoy.
Loretta Sharpe had quite a lot to say the other night. This too is just her opinion.
If you recall, McVoy was the ONLY commissioner who even mention4ed conservation. If you recall, he brought this issue up last year and said that he believed that the citizens of LW should be allowed to water more often than once a week whenever SFWM agreed. As far as arguing on the number of days, he would have just been another NO vote and left it up to the common sense of the residents who have to pay the bill and who will ultimately decide whether it is worth it or whether conservation IS more important.
Get off his back. You Are flat WRONG on this one regarding McVoy. Find something else to pick him apart about...I'm sure that you will.
Where were your puppet friends on the dais? I didn't hear one of them complain--NOT ONE!!
we have well water and pump system, as do some of neighbors. Dig well may cost $500 or so, pump $200, simple, it pay off. No more cry.
Polish Chris
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