Today, the City of Lake Worth advertised our November 8, 2011 general election. We have yet to have our Run-Off Special election that will be held this coming Tuesday. Expected, is the lowest turn-out in history. Some people actually thought it was all over when they voted nearly two weeks ago. Now, in just 122 days, we will have another election for Mayor as well as Commissioner Districts 1 & 3.
We can thank Rene Varela, our former mayor, who ended up pulling a political stunt that will cost us maybe $50,000 by the time we are all through. Rene gave his final "stick it in your ear Lake Worth" by showing who was the boss after all. He wasn't the boss while on the dais and he was not as strong as our city manager but he socked it to all of us in the end. Last year he supported Lisa Maxwell and we know what happened to her last year and this year. It's terrible to hold a grudge with someone who beat you in an election. Everyone write to Rene or call him at Banfield Pet Hospital, 1238 Putty Hill Ave., Towson, MD 21286 (410) 616-0732 and tell him what you think.
Andy Amoroso running as a candidate in District 3, is getting his signs out early and they are appearing all over the place even in the city's planters on Lake Avenue. I am assuming that the city owns them since they take care of them.
Someone had a suggestion about eliminating political signs and I think that a very good idea. It won't happen though...freedom of speech and all. It would eliminate all the illegal sign placing all over town. On top of everything else, we just get sick of looking at the blight.
Right now, District 1 Commissioner Scott Maxwell is the only one who has filed paperwork with the city clerk officially declaring intent to run in the November election for that District. District 3 candidates who have filed their intent are Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden and her opponent, Andy Amoroso. And for Mayor, only one person has filed intent, Cary Sabol.
I agree with you for once Lynn, I also agree signs should be eliminated then one candidate would not be paying homeless people to steal the signs of the other...
I debated about posting the above.
FOR ONCE, please, if you have charges of homeless people stealing signs, or anyone stealing signs, prove it...take a video, interview him, etc., etc., produce a police report, a photo, something, otherwise this charge is inflammatory and of course, not credible.
Thank god Ghetto Goldie's getting voted out this year. Sabol will probably win over either Rammiccio or Waterman so we'll finally have some normal, employed, awake elected officials on the dais.
Isn't it about time for you to start bashing Amoroso and Sabol for actually getting stuff done while on the CRA while the BCE studies the benefits of paying for more studies we don't need and can't afford. Or do you have to wait until the cabal starts emailing you posts to run?
I agree with you all of the time, Lynn. Tom Ramiccio's signs are placed illegally all over the city. All one has to do is look. As far as people stealing signs, I have not heard anything about this.
As far as Sabol and Amoroso getting things done, I have stated on many occasions that I do NOT approve of many of their decisions. I also can't stand arrogance and rudeness that a few on the Board have displayed towards our city commission.
Next, I don't need people feeding me information to post on my blog. Fact of the matter is, I have not heard from one single person in the Waterman campaign as to influencing my blog in any way.
I 100% believe in studies and have said that on more than one occasion as well.
Don't take anything for granted. We need strong leadership that will keep us moving in the right direction. We have it now with the exception of one bully.
When I get ready to take a stand in the November race, it won't be because someone told me a damn thing.
As I have mentioned to you on a prior post there should be no signs on any city sidewalk in any part of the city.That includes advertisements not just campaign signs. That Waterman sign on the dinosaur on the sidewalk is just as much a problem if not illegal.Why not be fair in your investigative reporting.And remember we should not believe everything we are told.
Those planters look like the ones outside the Kava bar; therefore not City-owned planters.
I have answered this before. From what I was told, there is so many feet in front of the store that is NOT city right of way. Also, as far as the city planters, if this is private property, than it is probably against code. Wes probably can answer that one as he was on P&Z.
The infraction might be here:
The maximum allowable sign area for a political sign shall be six (6) square feet. The total aggregate sign area for all political signs on a parcel of private property shall be twenty (20) square feet. If more than one political sign is posted on a parcel of private property, each sign shall be affixed to its own stake, pole, or other supporting structure and shall be placed no closer than twenty-four (24) inches from any other political sign on the same property. As used herein, "parcel of private property" means real property consisting of one or more adjoining lots under common ownership and not owned by a governmental agency.
So tell us what so many feet means.The planters may be privately owned but they are placed illegally on the city property. But the city will do nothing because there is no one to enforce it.And it may be best to not make it any more difficut to do business in this economy.But political signs should be a different story.
I was just told that city right of way is 5 feet from the curb. I was also just informed that the Amoroso sign is illegal and on city property.
Waterman put many signs up behind the Gallo Bldg across from Publix....completely illegally.
They were taken down at the request of the owner of the property.
Then waterman's people put them back up!
The owner was incensed about this illegal activity..not once but TWICE.
Asked that the signs be destroyed, then bringing in the police was mentioned.
This is fact, not fiction.
Research the owners name of that property and call him for an earful Lynn...
You always ask for proof and here it is.
He did however give permission for Ramiccio signs to be anywhereon his properties.....
Ramiccio signs were put up with full permission of the owner, and they were torn down/stolen that night.
I would very much like to hear your take on this one...
As you are not giving me an address, it is difficult to reply.
However, Waterman put her signs at The Mayan Center near Publix where she had their permission to do so. Her hand-painted sign was ripped down twice now. Today the campaign filed a police report on the 2nd incident because it took a lot of time to handpaint the sign and work to erect it.
So, without knowing the property you are talking about it is difficult to answer. This may be the incident to which you refer.
I don't know the street address but it is directly south of Publix and called the Gallo Bldg.
Southeast corner of 2nd and Dixie.
It is for sale.
Is this blog really sure that the FACTS are that Rachel's people had permission to post signs on that property??
Lynn you will bend over backwards to to try and have people believe that Rachel and her peeps are god given and do no wrong.
It's becoming funny, in a perverse way.
(no, not 'perverted'..."perverse" fellow bloggers..look it up.
I have not yet seen the police report. If it is indeed the Gallo Building than I am quite sure that the Waterman campaign did not get the owner's permission (if he is still the owner) to install signs on his property. He is not exactly a friend of the people.
To the other comment, I am not bending over backwards for Waterman or "her people" whoever they may be. I am, however, telling what I know about her opponent and it is up to all the people to vote their conscience.
May the best woman win.
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