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The Realtor's Association has never seen a development that it didn't like. It is one of the most political groups in the State of Florida.
They are in bed with developers, big business and the Chamber of Commerce, Tom Ramiccio's former employer. The National Association of Realtors views mass immigration as the key to "a long-term strong housing market." They are only about making money. The heck with growth management in our State. They are against any restraints from the EPA or any other environmental group that would curb their objective of deeper money pockets for its members.
Today, Tom got the endorsement from the Palm Beach County Realtor's Association. Now what do they want from Tom?
Congrats to Tom. We want to build higher and higher in LW. We need more people here.
I think this is wonderful news. Maybe Tom R. can get some development going on in the city once he is elected
Why didn't he "get some development" here when he was leading the Chamber? Why were so many storefronts empty while he was leading the Chamber? We have a major development project just ready to start at our beach--$11 million worth. This will bring jobs and these workers will be spending $$ in our downtown during this process. And what happens when it is all through, people will be visiting here from all over the world--eventually buying property and opening businesses but definitely spending bucko bucks in our downtown.
We have some progressive, HONEST members on our commission...
let's keep up the tradition by keeping the self serving politicians OUT of office.
We are hoping our next mayor actually has the the interests of our community.
Vote NO for Ramiccio!
Jef Lawlor, Media Director
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