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Lisa Maxwell did not bother to have her interview with the Palm Beach Post Editorial Board. I guess she had better things to do. Lisa's not showing up for meetings is standard operational procedure?
Politicians should always coddle the news media...just smart politics.
Does Lisa pay her mortgage?
Since someone started the 20 questions, here's one: Has she ever had a domestic abuse charge?
You must have forgotten that Lloyd Clagger never went to the Post Editorial Board, And was elected several times
Whether you play the Lotto or not.... your chances are about the same of winning. The same can be said for Lisa being interviewed by the PBP. Her chances of being endorsed are about the same.
Lloyd Clager. Oh, that's right. He was on the commission back in 1990 to 1997. This was before my day. But one thing he had going for him, he was a Lake Worth native son, graduate of LW High School...made his money in the electric golf cart business being an avid golfer himself and I can tell you this, he would never have allowed our golf course to not be maintained. He was well loved by all. Did not know that about him and the PBPost. He was voted in because people respected him and his pioneer heritage.
You Lisa (grab back the power lovers) will never admit that what she did was pretty stupid. You don't snub your nose at the press. For sure, she will never get the endorsement now. Afterall, whether it helps or hinders, remains to be seen. But I would say that it is something to covet. As Ramiccio is getting all the major endorsements thus far, perhaps he will get this one too. That is hard to imagine.
They didn't like her last year so why would they change their minds now? She did the right thing. Slap them to the ground.
Not surprised that Lisa didn't show for the PBP interview. Isn't that par for the course as to how she operates. But if it's true that the reason was because they don't care for her is that the way for someone to behave who wants to be a community leader? Didn't somebody post earlier that if she deemed you irrelevant or opposing her in anyway that she usually just brushes them off. Guess this is a very relevant and prime example.
And whomever asked if she was once charged with domestic violence that is affirmative. That mean streak that a few people mentioned they noticed the other day on here was a very astute observation.
People--there is no proof that anyone running for office has committed any sort of infraction. People can charge someone with anything. It happens every day. Someone just came over on my blog today and called me a name. So, take it all with a grain. It doesn't mean that they are guilty just because someone says that they are. Let's get on to the facts. Politics brings out the worst in people and this election is no exception. Thanks.
Yes, we should stick to the issues that directly concern our city and how the mayoral candidates intend to address them. However, wouldn't something like that be public record? And it also speaks to a point that you brought up earlier regarding Lisa's support of public figures not having to answer to their own private issues.
If there is proof, would you print it? Just wondering about it as the other side is doing a sneaky attack on Rachel.
Ok, people--there is a fine line here. Allegations against public figures happen every day and are reported on every day. I would have to weigh the evidence. It is, as I have said before, all about one's character. Weiner just resigned because of his actions. He didn't want to...didn't even think he had done anything wrong. We, the people, knew better. Usually in a case of he said, she said, and where there is only an allegation, it probably is not worthy of reporting...but sometimes it is. Difficult one. I think that a news outfit would mention it in context of part of an article as long as there was some sort of proof and not just some malicious charge. But then again, I don't know that with any degree of certainty. If it is public record, then it is up to the writer to use or not.
Re:comment by anonymous at 7:17....
What sneaky attack on Rachel?
If you are referring to public records that show she has had 3 foreclosures following numerous liens on her homes in WPB, I wouldn't consider that "sneaky".
That might be considered by some as an issue as to her fiscal responsibility. Not one foreclosure, but three.
Is there a different issue your comment about ' sneaky attacks' referred to?
Send me the documentation.
Look at Wes' blog - post from June 15th....titled " Since the 'other blogger....."
you can click on the link that has all the documentation...
Can't seem to figure out how to send link directly to you.
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