Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quote of the Day - no golf courses on State Parks

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"It will be OUR Fight as citizens of this Great State of Florida to save our Natural Treasures."
~Robert Waples

Robert is fighting mad that some think it perfectly okay to build golf courses on our Parks. He further stated, "I will do what I can to keep the career politicians from trashing our state treasures.....Nature is Nature, Historical is Historical, State Parks are State Parks and nothing says they should be "Golf Courses!

Anyone that messes with the natural beauty of this vibrant state WILL BE PUT TO TASK!"

Florida could allow the construction of at least five golf courses on State park lands under a proposal filed by Rep. Pat Rooney, R-West Palm Beach, and Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine. It would also allow the golf course construction to be financed by revenue bonds issued by the State.


kkss21 said...

Rooney and Thrasher really make it hard to admit I'm a Republican. What were these idiots thinking? Rooney was a member of the South Florida water Management district,so he can't plead ignorance of our water crisis here in Florida.Putting the most UNNATURAL ,water intensive structures into our Natl. parks?!? Come on, NO ONE could really be that much of a bone head. There must have been a huge amount of money promised to someone by the golf course designers that Rooney and Thrasher probably hob-nob with!

Anonymous said...

With Rick Scott famous for billions of Medicaid and medicare .....,a $95.000.000 campaign cost to get the finger in the State till????? at the head of corrupt buidling and ovedevelopement business, the one without a conscience and morality, the only hope is in local moral, administrations.
Everybody read the Lake Worth Herald as to where Lake Worth NSP2 grant money is going.No benefit to :Lake Worth. The NSP@ grant mandates repair of all antiquated pipes,part of our infrastructure!!!!Who is seeing to this? Consent agenda property City give-aways, through the sneaky Consent agenda,which in major part, caused the Deficit.
All who know the criminal Consent agenda hsitory will agree, have done nothing about it!!!! Are our properties stolen for crooked pruposes?
Overbuilding with crooked administrations and miss use of Federal (OUR) tax money, will continue and expand our economic crashP.B.Post reports Lake Worth preperty values dropped 61%!
There is a tendancy to build more condos, to add to the glut, which generates no revenue to remedy this $,4,500.000 deficit City.
We need more visitors, who will be attracted by Old Historic Lake Worth, not condo cookie cutter, getthos.

Anonymous said...

The NSP2 Grant for the City of Lake Worth, includes use for replacement of our old and leaky, decrepit, pipes of our water and sewage systems.
Replacement of broken sidewalks, causing falls and unnecessary injuries, due to City negligence . Infrastrtucture should be top priority and restoration of Lake Worth Tourism and resident magnet, original housing stock!
Nowhere does it state: use for demolishing of any historic City.!!
Who controls the use of that City of Lake Worth granted money?Not to employees who buldoze with false images, cowardly ,useless Commisssions
All dirty deals allowed in lake Worth. !