Wednesday, December 8, 2010

National League of Cities Supports the Dream Act

Vice Mayor, Suzanne Mulvehill, along with Commissioner Scott Maxwell, were at the recent National League of Cities meeting in Denver, Colorado held over November 30 to December 4. The workshop was attended by over 4,000 participants, including over 2,000 elected officials. Former Florida governor, Jeb Bush spoke on Saturday.

The over-all message that Commissioner Mulvehill took away from this meeting is that "cities need to do things differently." As this organization encourages cities to change their modus operandi, The League of Cities should change theirs as well by staying out of local politics and not join city law suits against its citizens.

The Dream Act and Immigration was discussed at one of the forums. Commissioner Mulvehill pointed out that there was an inconsistency in the National Leagues' stand on immigration. The points she mentioned were:

1) that the NLC resolves that the federal government enforce its current immigration laws consistently and vigorously to eliminate illegal entry at the borders, visa overstays, working without proper documentation, and employing undocumented workers;

2) that the NLC also supports the “Dream Act,” federal legislation that can facilitate state efforts to offer in-state tuition to undocumented students and provide certain students with a path to U.S. citizenship.

Read the National League of Cities complete immigration policy.

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