When I was a kid, cowboy TV shows were really popular. The good guy ALWAYS wore a white hat and the BAD guys wore black. This is the same premise of Amendment 4. Even in their Vote NO logo they use the color BLACK.
And even though it has been abundantly clear to all of us who have worked on Amendment 4 over the last four years, the reality and the truth is slowly but surely being reported; more and more people across the State are wearing the good guy colors.
It is and always has been about those who care first for $$$$ and their own possibility of personal wealth versus those who care about the health of our State.
It is about those who have no problem lobbying elected officials for favors to get that development pushed through and the land use changed versus what's right. Most of us have a problem believing in any politician while we see our country burning; we see our government bailing out big developers such as Lennar; we see massive foreclosures, empty strip malls, unsold condos and houses galore and elected officials being hauled off to prison, some for development deals. Candidate in Lake Worth Lisa Maxwell's former employer was Lennar and she is someone who is hell bent on bankrupting Lake Worth--story coming soon.
The Orlando Sentinel says, "Campaign-finance reports through Sept. 24 show that Florida Hometown Democracy, which sponsored Amendment 4, has received almost 80 percent of its $2.4 million from environmental groups and three wealthy environmental activists.
Meanwhile, Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy, ( the political PAC for the Florida Chamber of Commerce) and the committee leading opposition to Amendment 4, has received more than 70 percent of its $8.1 million from real-estate and development interests. When utilities, big-box retail-store companies and chambers of commerce are included, those interests account for more than 90 percent of the committee's money."
Our own local Chamber of Commerce is involved in local politics and is supporting perceived and real developer backed candidates and it is against Amendment 4 with its Director, Beth Johnston, asking our City Commission to oppose it. People in power thwarting their will. Does the City or the CRA give any money to the Chamber? Does it give any free space at Bryant Park for events? If so, cut it off.
Not only is the big money an obstacle but the big lies and all those who are sleeping with special interests. Isn't that about the WORST sort of politician imaginable? Even last night at the Candidate's Forum, Carla Blockson and Lisa Maxwell had NO idea what Amendment 4 was really about, spouting words they read over the Internet from the Vote No folks. We can only hope that people will see through their lack of knowledge on the subject as well as the downright lies they told and vote YES on 4 on November 2.
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