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What happens when we no longer have farmland?
Any company that feels its ability to make money might be diminished to some degree if Amendment 4 passes does not know the facts. They do not realize that there is so much land already available under Comprehensive Plans right now for builders to build, for buyers to come, and for businesses to make tons of money. They have all been under the spell of the Ryan Houcks and Chamber of Commerces across the State. They continue to fight any legislation that protects our State from uncontrolled growth.
John Hoblick, leader of the Florida Farm Bureau just said that he was pleased with Marco Rubio’s decision to put an emphasis on a strong agriculture. “We applaud what Rubio’s done and we are hopeful that fellow candidates in this race and other statewide races will follow his lead,” said Hoblick. Then why, Mr. Hoblick, are you for developers to come in and pave over farm land? You speak on two sides of your mouth. Florida Hometown Democracy, along with Marco Rubio, believes in a strong agriculture as well.
Dori Sutter just wrote to the Florida Farm Bureau and I have printed her letter below.
Subject: Disappointed to hear about Florida Farm Bureau's 'stand' against Amendment 4...
Dear Mr. Hoblick:
Your recent public stand, as the President of Florida Farm Bureau, against Florida Hometown Democracy's Amendment 4 and the large number of contributions made to the Opposition is very disheartening.
As a new member, I chose Farm Bureau Insurance due to it's high rating and long reputation with the Florida farming industry going back to when my Dad subscribed to Farm Bureau Insurance when I was growing up in the farming community of Seminole County surrounding Sanford, FL.
As a tenth generation Floridian I've seen our agricultural areas dwindle away year after year to sprouting housing subdivisions and town centers. Sanford was once the Celery Capitol of the World, now the only celery you will find is at the supermarkets. The once busy State Farmers Market in Sanford, where trucks would pickup fresh produce from local farms to transport to train depots and other areas of the State, is still there...not sure what it is used for today because there are no more farms left in Sanford. The small truck farms that surrounded Sanford have all gone. Most of the family farmers who I grew up with were pushed out or soldout to developers, moving to Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia to find roots in new earth to till.
I find it unconscionable that Florida Farm Bureau would 'side' with the Development Industry and it's land-use politics of the Chamber of Commerce to further destroy Florida's agricultural lands. Lands today that are not owned by heart n soul true Farmers and Ranchers, but by Big Agricultural Land Owners/Developers that 'use' the agricultural tax exemption to hold on to land paying low taxes until they're ready to convert it (changing its land use) to make big $$$ in developing rural land that pushes into needed water sheds, wildlife habitats and environmentally sensitive areas of rivers and wetlands...the natural landscape that maintains Florida.
Today, we have unprecedented over-development with more approved growth in local comprehensive plans throughout Florida to attract 100 million residents....100 million residents we do not have the water resources, services or infrastructure to accommodate. There is enough approved growth in all aspects of industries to create jobs, revenue and take a new direction for Florida in growing 'better'; but, currently there is no demand, no market after hitting bottom 'again', only this time it was nationwide. To continue the same historical 10 year construction cycle is insane, with Farm Bureau approving of this 'insanity'.
Florida will be the last to recover, due to over-development and greed on the part of the Development, Mortgage and Real Estate Industries. It also ranks #1 in the Nation for Political Corruption and #2 for Mortgage Fraud... NOT something to be proud of. Yet, the same Industries that aided and abetted this catastrophe, are the same ones Opposing Florida Hometown Democracy 's Amendment 4. You will find few individual citizens listed as contributors to the Opposition's campaign named "Citizens for Lower Taxes and Better Economy" aka "Citizens for Smarter Growth", among other misnomers.
The only true 'grassroots' campaign of citizens is Florida Hometown Democracy's campaign for Amendment 4. I am proud to be among the 1,000,000 Floridians that put this Amendment on the Ballot in November. Those 1,000,000 supporters have grown immensely with thousands of small contributions toward fighting for citizens' right to veto future bad growth decisions. The Mason Dixon poll held earlier this year reflected that 61% of voters would pass this Amendment on Nov. 2nd...and it will pass by a greater matter how much the opposition spends on misinformation and lies. Perhaps, Mr. Hoblick, you should check out the real facts on Amendment 4 because it IS really very simple, it's only as complicated as politics and the opposition want to make it out to be.
Now, I have to research for a New Insurance Carrier because I will not stay with such a hypocritical firm as Farm Bureau...a company that is supposed to 'protect the agricultural and farming industry' to insure it's future. Your very public stand 'against' Amendment 4 reflects that you care only about the 'politics' of the game and the large land-owners you insure, not about true 'agriculture and farming' members. You've lost a good customer (previously I was with Nationwide for over 20 yrs), looks like they're getting me back.
I invite you to Get the real facts, Mr. Hoblick, and visit our new website at
www.floridahometowndemocracy.comWe're In It to WIN it on Nov. 2nd! numbers of citizens...not numbers of $$$.
Dori Sutter
Winter Springs, FL
Seminole-Orange County Coordinator
Paid Political advertisement paid for and approved by Florida Hometown Democracy, Inc. PAC