Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bryant Park - the latest mess

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The residents near our Bryant Park are asking the hard questions-- "Why is South Bryant Park entrance/exit road getting wider AGAIN????? 700 people signed a petition saying that they did not want this road moved. The Commission, on a 3 to 2 vote, (Maxwell, Varela and Golden) did it anyway.

"Practice safe design: Use a concept."

What the road originally looked like

How it appeared on March 20, 2010
Why is the road being widened again??? Why does the plan keep changing????

Taken on May 4, 2010
Are those trees also going to have to be moved???? Are regular citizens allowed to ask these questions without political repercussions?????"


Wes Blackman said...

Lynn, if you are a regular reader of my blog, you realize that if you speak on certain things, there are political repercussions - thought and speech control is alive and well in Lake Worth.

Lynn Anderson said...

Wes, this was written by a resident in the Bryant Park neighborhood. I really have no clue as to what you are speaking about. Sorry. I will try and read your blog more closely when time allows.