Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Amendment 4 gives people back their say

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Letter to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
May 12, 2010

I disagree with The Post Editorial Board's criticism of Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy, on the November ballot.

Events keep showing that we need this basic "government of the people, by the people, for the people." It would give voters power over development of their communities and make politicians and developers listen. Developers still would be able to submit projects, and politicians still could approve them, but voters would have final say over those changes.

In Palm Beach County, the public must have the power to say yes or no, since "public servants" routinely disregard public consensus and give developers power, property value and taxpayer dollars to expand Browardization westward to the Everglades. It is heartbreaking. A recent comprehensive plan change gave the owners of Lion Country Safari theme park in western Palm Beach the option to change from commercial recreation to 254 urban sprawl houses, quadruple the number of houses allowed in a rural area.

County Commissioner, Jess Santamaria, was presented with public policy to deny the change, but called it "jargon" and voted to allow the park to disappear. Only Commissioner Karen Marcus upheld the county comprehensive plan against the six other commissioners when she voted no.



kkss21 said...

Our elected growth whores just can't say no to sprawl ! If they don't bend over for their developer masters, how will they get the cash they need to get elected in the first place? Amendment 4 will throw the legislative equivalent of holy water on these blood suckers and at last give us a workable system of growth in Florida.Make a crooked politician cry. Vote yes on Amendment 4.

lake worth dee mcnamara said...

Observe what state the economy is in, because of overdevelopment based on greed.Amendment 4 is overdue!Speculators and developers have no respect for anything or anyone,like the locust(incl.ILLEGAL ALIENS).
The comprehensive Plan protects Citizens rights' who respect their fellow man and the God given land.

Riviera Beach shabby waterfront land is a product of primitive larcenous, selfserving Commissions and corrupt Citizens who benefit by larceny.
They complain about the difference between Riviera Beach and Boca Raton. The latter has embraced mankind's high form of social and cultural evolution, and impletented its' refined mandates.

Vote YES AMENDMENT 4, save Florida!

Dee McNamara