Sunday, May 2, 2010

Arizona SB1070 - Illegal Immigration - and Lake Worth gets into the Act

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Border Fence, Arizona
Arizona draws line in the sand

Wednesday night at dinner the new Arizona Law recently signed by Governor Jan Brewer whose approval rating has gone up 11% since the Bill was signed on illegal immigration, SB 1070, came up in the conversation. It was said by one person in the party that it will lead to racial profiling (an illegal practice under the law). I got the impression that some were appalled at the new law...stopping people and asking them whether they had a right to be in our country. I took the tough stand. I also have to remember that I live in a Sanctuary City.

We finally have a State (Arizona) that acquired some balls with a governor standing up for its citizens where Washington has fallen down completely. Depending upon the poll, 64% to 70% of Arizonians support the law.

Living in Florida (the 5th most populous State with illegal immigrants the last time I checked) in an extremely liberal city of Lake Worth, a lot of residents here feel that illegal immigrants have the same rights as I do and that we should just open up our borders to everyone who wants to cross. I will continue to challenge that and all those who advocate for breaking our laws. Arizona’s illegal situation has come to intolerable proportions and a financial drag on its legal citizens and so is ours.

Kris Kobach, a legal law professor at the University of Missouri in Kansas City and a pro-enforcement immigration attorney, helped draft the bill. Read his article in the Washington Times. He says, “The bill will withstand any preemptive challenge because it reinforces existing federal immigration laws and creates no new immigration crimes.” Hispanic groups are protesting saying they have rights...they are human. No one has denied their legal rights here. The ACLU is screaming and President Obama has called it “misguided.” Obama further said, "If you are an Hispanic American and you take your kids out for ice cream, you might get harassed," an incredible and irresponsible and a shocking statement from the President of the United States.

Question: Do liberals and Democrats really believe that money grows on trees here in the U.S.? Read about Democrats pushing for amnesty. No way to amnesty. These are criminals. Amnesty only encourages more to cross our borders illegally. If they want to become citizens, they go to the back of the bus and apply. If they do not want to become a U.S. citizen, then they need to go home and stay there. The Latino Clergy has gotten into the act and has filed a law suit. This is the first one...look for more.

Read George Will's latest column, A law Arizona can live with. Also take the poll. You will see why we can't really accomplish anything much in this country when it comes to illegal immigration. The poll is very close. 51% of all citizens across the country that took recent polls agree with Arizona in this action.

What has happened to Arizona?

According to FAIR, (which is NOT a racist organization although we keep hearing that statement in Lake Worth!) Arizona’s taxpayers pay:
$1.3 billion a year for education, medical care and incarceration…that amounts to $700 per household for every citizen to support illegals.

Arizona has the 7th largest illegal immigration problem with an estimated 460,000 living there. According to the Governor, Jan Brewer on Fox News Wednesday, Arizona pays out $750 million for incarceration of illegals that have committed crimes, and with interest, amounts to over $1 billion. She says that the law will be in effect later in July or early August. She has also stated previously that because the federal government had left a vacuum in Arizona and failed in its immigration policy, she signed the Bill to protect the citizens left paying the tab and dealing with the never ending and escalating problem.

The truth of the matter is, the police must have probable cause and reasonable suspicion to stop you and ask you for any ID. If you have an alien registration card, or an Arizona Driver’s License (if issued after 1966) or other forms of ID, any police officer will accept that as proof. This is not going to be Nazi Germany folks.

Most of these illegal immigrants are coming here for what they believe will be opportunity and a better life for themselves and their children. I don’t begrudge the idea, just the method. They are illegal and therefore criminals. That is the reality. Another reality are all those who protest and say it is all right that these people are crossing our borders and sponging off our system--they are protesting about something that will never happen (racial profiling) saying that Arizona is taking away the rights of illegals.

Illegals have no rights in Arizona or anywhere in this country. I don't understand these Americans who believe the opposite. Even here in Lake Worth, Vice-Mayor Jo-Ann Golden organized a protest last night at City Hall to bash Arizona's new immigration law even using little kids to do it. Golden said, "We all need to not fight with each other about who's American and who's not American; we are ALL American."

Can it get any worse than this? Have bleeding heart liberals and left wing theologists totally taken over? This is a mindset that is growing like a cancer, that has put our country into debt that we can't crawl out of and is attributing to the rapid decline of America as we know it.


lake worth dee mcnamara said...

As a British tutored, legal immigrant I understand that the word ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT means: a person who illegally forced entry (a CRIME)into this Country,or any other..Once here they try to take over Towns,demand,(leech) free services we pay with our taxes for, housing food stamps,social services, hospital care school attendance and when they want money they can hold up convenience stores, banks, people, with guns buy and sell,drugs,young children into child prostitution, false I.D cards,Drivers Licenses and Green Cards, with their gangs,an indigenous part of their primitive culture. Our jails are full of that element.Not Americans.Most don't speak English!!!!! There is a definition for the word American national! I know and respect it.This Nation fought and worked hard for that distinction!

There is an element in Lake Worth that wants to hand over our American,not illegal aliens built Lake Worth, to the illegal aliens with their criminals. Let them begin by moving out of their houses and giving them to those creatures, go to the illegals' Countries and demand the same rights in those third world Countries,those illegals left, after they made it into a sewer.
They are now here to create yet another sewer.The picture with American taxpayer's built money and hard labor City Hall displaying that element, is an affront to all legitimate 50 and 60 years taxpaying Lake Worth Citizens.
Did that element build this City?
Create our Hospitals,paid to have food stamps made available?
Let them pick another Town to turn into a sewer and do their parasitical,leech and vermin like actions.Those that are for them join them , but start by immediately giving them your homes ,your money you worked for .This subversive element has no right to decide about giving our money and properties to illegals!Give your own and go to their Country!
Arizona in America, was created and built with hard American labor and evolved cultural American ideas.

kkss21 said...

Does the door swing both ways on the Mexican border ? HELL NO !!! Want to see restrictive laws against aliens ? Look no further than how Mexico acts towards it's resident aliens.If 75-80% of illegal aliens were going to vote republican, there would already be a bullet train heading south, and a wall that made the defunct Berlin wall look like silly putty. US citizens are being MURDERED by Mexican drug dealers and coyotes that traffic in human flesh. US citizens are AFRAID in their own country! Our government IS NOT obligated to feed , cloth, or house us.The ONLY obligation that this country has to it's citizens is to PROTECT US !The Clinton,Bush,and Obama administration have done a piss poor, non existent job of doing that!This law is nothing new .ANY resident alien now living here from ANY other country(Finland, England Ireland, Russia, etc. what they are required BY LAW to do- THEY HAVE TO HAVE THEIR RESIDENT ALIEN PAPERS ON THEIR PERSON AT ALL TIMES !!! Us politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle have let greed come before common sense and American lives for too long. Hurray for Arizona. and srew antbody that thinks that they are above our laws!