If you have enough money, you can do just about anything you want--screw up anything you want---all for the almighty buck. The hell with the Florida panther and the black bear that get in the way. The hell with the gopher tortoise. Heck with our valuable timber...heck with our resources...we have plenty of water now don't we? Developers have one responsibility and that is to their pocketbooks.
That's the way it is in Florida. Now we have Miami Corp that owns 55,000 acres of land west of I-95 in central Volusia and Brevard Counties, remote valuable and beautiful timberland that the family has been buying up for the last 80 years. They have made a deal to develop only 25% of their land in exchange for developing dense villages. Eventually there will be 23,000 residences developed. The proposals come up this month before the respective county commissions and if both counties approve, it will go on to the DCA. Didn't they hear about all the empty houses we have in Florida?
The owners want to get this moving before Florida Hometown Democracy is voted in.
Vote for 4 in 2010. It can't come soon enough.
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