Friday, May 1, 2009

Amnesty for Illegals?

Senator Bill Nelson
SH-716, United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Nelson,

I was shocked to learn that the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding hearings on amnesty.

American workers have lost over 5 million jobs since December of 2007. Over five million Americans continue to receive unemployment benefits (the most since 1967). Any program that allows illegal workers to stay in their jobs will also keep American workers out of them. If Congress grants amnesty to illegal workers, it will close to the door to millions of jobs that could have been available to legal workers. That would mean higher unemployment and more unemployment benefits.

Apparently, some in Congress believe it isn't enough to add 138,000 new work visas to the labor pool every month. These politicians also believe American workers have it so good right now that we should give 7 million non-farm jobs to people who broke the law to obtain them. This is simple supply-and-demand math, yet few in Congress have the courage to speak up.

Please speak up for American workers by opposing the Judiciary Committee�s biased (all of the witnesses are pro-amnesty and anti-American worker) amnesty hearings.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this,

Lynn Anderson

P.S. We have been complaining about illegal aliens for a very long time. Why won't you listen? These people are ILLEGAL and YOU need to do something about this atrocious situation that continues to get worse. It is not us, the voter, who has apathy. It is YOU and we all are sick and tired of our country going down the tubes because of illegal aliens. Do your job.