Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's about Smart Meters and Smart Grid Solutions

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Hector Samario of Siemens was in the chamber last night. He stuck around to observe some of our meeting as he had been at City Hall on business. In actuality, he has been around our city for going on one year now, probably accessing our electric utility situation and our needs.

Rumor has it that Siemens is the cause for the firings at our Utility. Perhaps that is why Clay Lindstrom found another job. It might also explain why the job description salary for his replacement is only $120,000 a year and why we haven't found a replacement.

Siemens says, "As utilities deploy advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) across their distribution grids, the amount of utility and customer-related data explodes – from monthly hand-held meter reads to interval consumption received on a 15-minute or less basis. The challenge for the electric utility is to convert this massive amount of data into actionable information for multiple purposes across the enterprise. Siemens provides comprehensive metering and energy information management services to the utility industry, including meter data management system (MDMS) software, integration services and consulting.

It's all about a Smart Grid. "The grid," is a network of transmission lines, substations, transformers and more that deliver electricity from the power plant to your home or business. It’s what you plug into when you flip on your light switch or power up your computer. As this commission is always talking about moving forward, in order to do that, it is said that we need a new kind of electric grid, that can handle the ever increasing use of digital and computerized equipment and the technology dependent on it...bring us into the 21st Century. Source:  The Smart Grid

No one is talking at City Hall but one thing that is certain, all on the dais as well as the residents in our city are into the efficient transmission of electricity.  I was under the impression that it was efficient now and that perhaps we should start looking into producing and investing in our own power. We did have a presentation by Siemens on February 10th and were told that the scope of work is between $20 and $25 million and that we should reap a savings of 10% a year. It was not mentioned how Siemens makes its money or what percentage of the savings it will put in its own pocket or anything on the structure of the deal or any guaranty.

There will be a workshop regarding Siemens on May 12 at City Hall at 6pm where perhaps we will learn about the savings, the financing, why we didn't go out on a bid and what has been called by one commissioner as "a win, win" deal.  I don't think anything is that simple and when you're dealing with a desperate city...well, anything can happen.


Anonymous said...

We're not dealing with desperation, we're dealing with corruption. Bornstein, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso have to go .

Anonymous said...

I believe we have spent $500K on the current process of replacing the old meters with digital meters and now they want to spend $1M to replace the new ones. Ask Mr. Rutsky what the costs are. Yes Clay was pushed out or forced to move on and now they are slowly getting rid of those who he hired as I am told. What is going on around here.

In the Know said...

The concept of the so called proposed smart meters is perhaps one of the largest frauds being perpetrated on the utility rate payers of LW. The minimal benefits of implementing this panacea of systems is far outweighed by the cost of implementing and data management far exceeds any so called savings. LW electric has not one person who has the knowledge or experience to make an educated decision on this subject. It is a convoluted subject that must not be allowed to be controlled by consultants who stand to make enormous amounts of monies from another poor choice by the leadership of LW. This needs to stop now.

Anonymous said...

Siemens will make an incredible amount of money from this charade. I could go on for a long time about the fraud this is. For a starter how many rate payers can't pay their bills, do you think any of them care what they use every 15 minutes, seriously. It is difficult to explain, as it gets very convoluted. It can be equated to the global warming hysteria, it all sounds good until somebody knowledgeable questions it. It's a scam. Has much more benefits to a utility like FPL, but no way for LW.

Anonymous said...

The previous utility director and manager knew what smart meters would do and disagreed with this so they are gone and we have no leadership now with any knowledge about utility operation. Our city is a mess and if you disagree with CM then say goodbye.

Lynn Anderson said...

I think Siemens is more about Smart Grid but we will maybe find out at the Workshop. They have said that the Smart meters will not be on the property?

Anonymous said...

As a very wise man once said "Smart Grid is a bunch of horseshit, but we make a lot of money shoveling it." This wise man was on the Smart Grid committee of the IEEE.
Yet another man on this same committee said "Smart grid is a dumb idea".

We as consultants love Smart Grid as we each make a very good living fleecing utilities.