Sunday, May 10, 2015

Common Ground Church Lake Worth - Mother's Day

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"God is with you; you are not alone."
"Life is a gift from God.

God wants to take you from being an ordinary Mom
to an extraordinary Mom,"
said pastor Mike Olive.


It's a Cult Classic said...

Starting to look like a cult in the making. Cult leaders always have to create some false fear of persecution - i.e. having to pay a business license fee. I'll wait to see him and his followers on the news in some crazy battle with the federal government in a few years. Gotta love the dub.

Lynn Anderson said...

No cult. There is nothing strange or sinister about it...just believers in Jesus...simple folks with one thing in common, that of being Christian.

Have you ever attended a service?

Anonymous said...

Prior to the good pastor's made up battle with the city did YOU ever attend a service?

Lynn Anderson said...

No, actually. I had never heard of it. Thanks for inquiring about my church habits though. :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing was "made up " about the City's very embarrassing,Nazi -like actions against this church.Churches in Lake Worth were definitely targeted,which is a symptom of Govt. that should send a chill down everyones back.It makes you wonder about who is really giving Mike Bornstein ,our city manager ,his marching orders. The signal to begin attacking religious organizations comes from much higher up than the three stooges on our Commission.

Anonymous said...

Every cult starts out as an innocent little place to worship. Until the leader starts to convince everyone that they are being persecuted and that the leader is only person they can trust, and then they become a cult.

Lynn Anderson said...

Right, anonymous at 2:44...Jesus started out preaching in a field. I suppose, by your analysis, that Christianity as a whole is a "cult."

Anonymous said...

8:58 what the eff are you talking about? Every time I think I see the most idiotic comment on this blog you clowns seem to find a new one. "The signal to begin attacking religious organizations comes from much higher up than the three stooges on our commission." And who might that be? God himself? get a grip

Unknown said...

Chill people, don't worry about labels. Just be diligent, be humble, be compassionate, and be gracious.

Christ's biggest enemy is me, the Christian who keeps screwing up royally. But by God's grace I am also Christ's strongest supporter, the one who has been forgiven much and loves much.

It's not about me, or Pastor Mike, or City Hall, or protests, or a couple of rooms on J St. It's about grace that's been given, grace that can be passed on, and the blessings that result.

I can testify that God's grace is alive and well in the City of Lake Worth, and no pastor, parishioner, protester, blogger, or commisioner can stand in His way.

Matthew van Voorthuijsen