Friday, September 27, 2024

When is enough, enough?

The Biden administration has just announced another $8 billion in aid for Ukraine

but here’s the burning question: when is enough, enough?

With America’s own border in chaos, veterans left without the care they deserve, and families struggling to make ends meet, why are we dumping billions into a foreign conflict?

This administration seems more concerned with protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty than safeguarding our own!


Anonymous said...

It is a sin where does this money come from? More inflation, they are such slaves for Satan!

Anonymous said...

Why do we keep giving billions away when we're all going broke in the state of economy rent sky high cost of living sky high and we're giving billions of dollars away we got people living on the streets we got people living on the bridges cuz they cannot afford rent I don't think we should be giving jack away enough is enough they need to stop the war he needs to surrender before there's nothing left of that country or our country because we're giving everything away

Blossom said...

When do we say enough is enough we've got people living on the bridges we got cost of living going sky high people can't even afford rent all these cities are going bankrupt because we're taking all these refugees in why doesn't he just surrender and give him what he wants or are we just going to keep bailing them out give me a few more extra billion I need some more animal I need some more food I need some more weapons surrender there's going to be nothing left of your country oh that's right we're going to help you rebuild