Wednesday, September 25, 2024

More to the Plots to Assassinate Trump

Rep. Gaetz: Five Assassination Teams Targeting Trump

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said he was informed by a whistleblower within the Biden-Harris administration that there are five different known "assassination teams" — "three inspired by other governments" — that are hunting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Gaetz said the Department of Homeland Security was aware of the kill squads before the second assassination attempt on Trump last week in Florida.

"I had a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security in my office before the second assassination attempt, saying that what he has assessed is that there are five known assassination teams in the United States, three inspired by other governments, two that are here, that are known domestic assassination teams," Gaetz said.


Nothing would surprise me that the Deep State is behind all of this. I first reported this on September 22.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be Putin or Iran or North Korea, right? Always America First with Lynn. Always blame America. That's Lake Worth's Great American, Lynn Anderson.

Lynn Anderson said...

You Democrats are really out in left field...literally. I am reporting on NEWS. You don't think the Deep State has anything to do with the two assassination attempts of Trump's life? You are asleep at the wheel. MAGA unless you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Got your head in the sand? Got God? Continue being a slave for Satan!