Tuesday, September 3, 2024

CNBC Tag Team Harris advisor on Tax suggestion

Kamala's suggestion to tax Unrealized Gains

With the Democrats, it's always been about putting the screws to the wealthy

And the amazing thing about this is, they are the party of the elite!

“It’s probably unconstitutional,” Kernen said. “And it’s never gonna happen, probably.”

“It’s not income,” Quick interjected.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

They're my people Lynn. The best show on TV. Watch it every morning.

Lynn Anderson said...
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Anonymous said...

All the NBC's are not impartial and are President Trump haters, such slaves for Satan! Only demonics would watch or support this organization.

Lynn Anderson said...

CNBC can be negative when it comes to Trump.

Anonymous said...

Nicole wallace at MSNBC has to be the biggest hater with Trump derangement syndrome, she is despicable, surprised a network would allow her to spew such venom .