Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Pathetic and Anti-American Attempt to Silence Elon

Shocking! Bill Clinton’s Former Labor Secretary Want’s Elon Musk Jailed!

Using power to silence opponents

It’s absolutely laughable how the left operates these days.

Take Robert Reich, for example, former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton. Reich, in his infinite wisdom, recently penned a column attacking Elon Musk, calling him “out of control” and claiming he needs to be reined in.

This, coming from a man who served in one of the most corrupt administrations in recent history, is nothing short of hypocritical. But it gets worse.

Reich’s entire argument against Musk reeks of the left’s typical double standards. If Elon Musk were a mouthpiece for the left, there would be no such backlash—no calls for regulation, no threats of arrest, nothing. It’s the ultimate hypocrisy, and frankly, it’s disgusting.

Democrats really want America to be a Banana Republic, not a democracy.


Anonymous said...

You and your MAGA pals have been chanting Lock Her/Him Up for a assortment of Democrats for the past 8 years. One Democrat says Lock Him Up and you go into hysterics. Is there one MAGA who isn't a big cry baby?

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:35..."Lock her up" was a phrase for Hillary Clinton, Trump's opponent who is and was corrupt and broke the law in various ways. No one is in hysterics but for Democrats to constantly challenge our Constitution and the First Amendment, trying to pack the court, etc. one has to wonder if you all are in left-field and whacked out. Perhaps a communist country would suit you better...we point out the facts here and the conservative view. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

If cheating and being a slave for Satan is acceptable to you, you then know where you are going!