Thursday, December 7, 2023

New Border Wall?


Anonymous said...

You know the illegals have been crossing into the United States for years we're never ever going to shut them down because they come here for an easy paycheck a lot of them work and a lot of them send the money home .. but on the downside who's going to pick all the tomatoes who's going to pick all the apples who's going to do the jobs that nobody wants to do

Dan Volker said...

The foolish claim that illegals are critical to our labor workforce has been popular with the elites of the Democrat Party for decades.
The economic reality is that most illegals become a severe financial and legal burden to America.
Non-skilled labor with no asset base and no job and no home or transportation, will not be likely to take care of themselves without major support from our American tax base.

A sad issue being ignored, is that with no illegals coming in, the jobs needing to be filled by American workers "WOULD BE" filled by American workers, as soon as the pay scale of the jobs were sufficient to make the jobs desirable....this is how free enterprise works.

So farming and construction jobs would become more expensive to run without the illegals, due to higher labor costs, but the money goes back into "legal Americans" in our working class, and goes back into our economy, and DOES NOT go into dilution with millions of illegals illegally taking this money out of the mouths of legal working Americans.

This is a culture war, where the rich elite democrat party is doing what they did economically in the 1800's to after the Civil War...they are attempting to maintain the cheapest workforce possible, whether slave labor, indentured servitude, or illegal immigrants. This is inherently evil, and it gets the cover story of humanitarian aid---this is disgusting to imagine, and you know it is happening.