Friday, December 1, 2023

Just in time for Election 2024

Dr. Peter Hotez Now Claims that Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming, Which Will Be ’20 Times’ Worse than COVID-19

In June of last year, Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine promoter, made headlines when he declined to debate Robert Kennedy Jr., an author, activist, presidential candidate, and attorney on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the invitation extended by Joe Rogan to discuss the facts on his show, Dr. Hotez chose to take aim at both Kennedy and Rogan.

He stated that “Science is not something that is typically debated” – a statement which has caused many people to question his credentials and decision-making abilities as a scientist.

Recently, Dr. Hotez declared a new virus called ‘Disease X’ will be even more serious than COVID-19; however only time will tell whether this prediction is accurate or not.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I'm so scared! More scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

strange that when its something they dont know its called 'X'

Anonymous said...

Well, don't worry, we have plenty of masks.

Anonymous said...

Don't wear a mask. Don't get vaccinated. Nothing works.

Live life normally and let God sort it out.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Every 4 years there is a plague of some sort that kills people look it up Google it you see what I'm talking about so I'm sure it could be x y and z nobody knows what it is until it starts showing up

Anonymous said...

Another China virus coming to the USA thanks Beijing biden

Anonymous said...

Another plan demic

Anonymous said...

Just in time for the elections the last time we heard about the other China virus it was in December and then it hit the United States around March and then we were all locked down for several years so it looks like they're doing the same thing for our next election cycle for November to lock us all down and so they can cheat and cause all these problems again. God help us please pray for this country and world there's a lot of really sick deranged slaves who think that it's their right to decide the fate of everyone else's lives and world.