Good vs. evil, God vs. Satan: America in full spiritual war
The world's freest, most Christian nation is on the brink of destruction
America – long the freest and most prosperous, powerful, altruistic and Christian nation on the face of the earth – is on the brink of destruction.How can this possibly have happened? And more important, can it be saved? As recently as a generation ago, America’s dominant culture was essentially moral, patriotic and Judeo-Christian. Politically, of course, there was the continual tug-of-war for power between the two major parties:
Traditional Democrats, who championed liberal policies like “taxing the rich,” a higher minimum wage, more gun control, a larger “social safety net” and legalized abortion.
Republicans, who favored less government intervention, more individual liberty, free-market capitalism and protecting the unborn.
But despite the contentious battles and pendulum swings over who controlled the White House and Congress, America was safe, secure and confident, her freedoms intact, and her culture still decent and sane.
Fast-forward a few decades into today’s steaming inferno of unprecedented madness
OMG! We're all gonna die!
Thanks for your daily dose of fear, Lynn. Always a ray of sunshine. Gotta keep us in fear until a Republican is elected President and then everything changes overnight.
What a way to live a life.
@10:01 anonymous who will never post under his/her own name-
All patriots recognize our great country has been seriously infected with the spiritual disease of Marxism.
"What a way to live" And what a way to continue to lie to us. Sick, actually.
It's called Law Enforcement! Without it, you have what we are witnessing now.
Why blame Marx for our own failings!
Do you think things are going well, 10:01?
What is it you like about the way we are living these days.
@12:48...not blaming Marx...blaming all these stupid people following his political philosophy.
Marx was just a philosopher, and don't forget Engels. He was just as important as Marx.
Now Lenin, though he may very well have had a part in the execution of the Royal Family, nobody really knows, the person who really carried out all of the misery in Russia was Stalin.
You would want to avoid a Stalin like leader at all costs.
Another slave hater I see.
The legacy media is complicit with the liberal left dem slaves, all evil. Choose God not Satan
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