Thursday, January 7, 2021

Shock in our Nation's Capitol

I am still too shocked to even write about this appalling violence at the United States Capitol yesterday. Enough is enough!

Republicans love cops! It makes me wonder, and it's hard to believe, if those causing the mayhem were really Trump supporters as we heard that four buses of Antifa were bused into the Capitol.

But it's time to move on and for the President to condemn, in very strong words, what happened yesterday and to help heal our country.

Epoch times has a good article about what happened. After reading it, I still don't know if this woman with a 14 year military background was breaking into the capitol or who shot her.

7:00am news just announced that she was breaking into our Capitol.


Lynn Anderson said...

People going after our democracy with violence--disgusting. Democrats never condemned the riots in New York, Portland, Seattle, etc., some where major destruction happened and people killed. Not once did they do that.

The time bomb was set.

We were attacked yesterday, all inflamed by what patriots consider a rigged election and what I believe was a small group that stormed our Capitol. Four dead yesterday.

Anonymous said...

this rally was infiltrated by terrorists. No question.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Friends and Patriots, here is my take on what I saw happen yesterday:
The short story
Short story:
Antifa dressed as Trump supporters started the violence at the Capitol. Then, some exuberant Patriots joined into the fray. Patriots were trying to send a message to Congress. Antifa is to blame for this, not the President.

Anonymous said...

i am laying some of the blame for this on dems.attack,attack,attack on mr trump then president trump.enough is enough.dont blame president trump for all that happens

Anonymous said...

So the folks who "Back the Blue" attacked and injured dozens of police officers. These same folks "Love The USA" but they form a mob and storm our sacred U.S. Capitol and trash it. I'm only surpised they didn't take a crap on Pelosi's desk and wipe themselves with a flag - TO OWN THE LIBS!

All in the name of Trump.

For 4 years, Red Hats have put Trump before their country.

What happened yesterday is not surprising. And here's the thing. They're not going to stop after their God leaves this month. They will continue to attack Americans, our government and our culture.

They have become the enemy of the American people.

And we will treat them like they are.