Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Muriel Bowser afraid of Trump supporters in our Nation's Capitol

DC Mayor Calls In National Guard To Help Handle Pro-Trump Protest

Her "fear" is hysterical. She had zero problems when BLM and Antifa thugs were there in November when Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs attacked Trump supporters. And what about over the past 4 years when these same thugs were allowed Anarchy, Violence and Destruction in our nation's capitol?

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser has asked the Department of Defense to activate the National Guard to help keep peace on Wednesday when thousands of President Donald Trump’s supporters are expected to gather to protest certifying the Electoral College vote that Biden won by election fraud.

The “big protest rally,” as the president calls it, is slated to begin at 11 am on Wednesday as Congress convenes to discuss the results of the Electoral College vote from late December. Thousands are expected to attend.

Read about Security at Big Rally

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

President Trump asked for and wanted to send 10,000 National Guards to be there...he was refused. Muriel is a disgrace for a mayor in our national capitol. Now she has our capitol city under Martial law, barbed wire and all. More and more facts are coming out on this riot caused by a few hundred assholes out of tens of thousands who were there for a peaceful protest.