Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Fake News Media heavily behind Joe Biden's "win"

Jake Tapper had this epic on-air meltdown over this move to stop Joe Biden from stealing the election

The Fake News Media allowed Joe Biden to "win." Of course we know that Democrats targeted the states that were crucial for a Trump victory by every means possible.

The media attacked Trump for four years, "reporting" on the bogus Mueller Report that showed zero collusion, reporting on a bogus impeachment and putting a negative spin on everything that President Trump did. They even went so far as to to blame him on Covid-19 and dissed his every effort.

This warped mindset started with the Democrats when Hillary was fed the debate questions in 2016 from Democrat Donna Brazile. CNN did the right thing by firing her but then Fox News eventually hired her in early 2019. Why would any news outlet worth a damn hire an admitted defrauder?

Perhaps the news media personalities should start "reporting" on the facts without giving biased opinions.

Read about Tapper's rant...

Read Trump Achievements  The corrupt Democrats won't acknowledge these truths. They would rather have the power by hook or crook. Do we really want unscrupulous treacherous politicians leading our country?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this.