Thursday, October 8, 2020

Omari Hardy to Speak at a PB County Bar Association Committee on Friday



Anonymous said...

Omari is some sort of expert on government operations? Cool.

Lynn Anderson said...

Of course this was printed before he had to resign from the Lake Worth City Commission. Omari wants affordable housing built on any land space available, I think. He has even mentioned our golf course!

Anonymous said...

If we ever build on the golf course the homes better be priced between $550,000 and $2,500,000. Won’t happen though and that’s a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can go to that same law school that Kim Kardashian is going to in CA?

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:36...hahaha. She is doing an apprenticeship with some law firm. I think law would be an exciting profession...wish I had thought of it when I was younger.

Anonymous said...

if they build on the golf coarse than they should put the pool where city hall is.not in use anyway

Anonymous said...

The irony is priceless 10:23.