Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Block of Foreign Law and the Rise of Radical Islam

Muslims In Montana LIVID After Angry Citizens Permanently DESTROY Their Caliphate Plans

The rise of radical Islam around the world and here in the United States is impossible to ignore any longer. Thankfully, there are people who hold office in America that want to protect the American people. Personally, I believe that all Muslims are radical and we have a few elected to Congress.

A bill that was designed to block “the application of foreign law” in state courts advanced in the Montana House of Representatives earlier this week. The bill, of course, includes Sharia law and it has Democrats and Muslims fuming mad. Democrats are yelling that this potential law only targets Muslims and that it fuels xenophobia.

Read about it...

On May 2014, former Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a bill prohibiting state courts from applying foreign law. Governor Scott and the Florida Republican legislature protected our way of life on a 24/14 vote. Democrats did not. And C.A.I.R screamed bloody murder.

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