Thursday, May 16, 2019

Border Illegals to be dumped in PB & Broward Counties

Read about it...

These illegals should be settled right next door to Democrats.


Anonymous said...

500 a month? most will come to Lake Worth, a very welcoming city.

Anonymous said...

Bradshaw is livid. Tent city JP Park!

Anonymous said...

how many will fit in gulfstream hotel

Lynn Anderson said...

We are going to be another dumping ground for fuc*ed up liberal policies. This is really sickening.

Anonymous said...

The TB Hospital, which they couldn't wait to tear down, to do nothing with, could have been refitted to house any number and type of homeless problems that we are plagued with on the streets. I guess that would have been thinking too far ahead. Not enough money in it for the developers.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous at 6:23...why not ask your liberal friends and the Democrats you voted for and all those who will not stop the invasion. That's who is responsible.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea 6:13!

Lynn Anderson said...

Shirley talks to herself.

Anonymous said...

Knew I should have sold my house and moved a long time ago.

Milton said...

Thank you, Shirley, for saying that so I don't have to. Trump has a million places he could send them. He picked Palm Beach County. Screw him.

Anonymous said...

If anything, vote out every dem from office, the senate and congress are doing nothing to address this immigration problem, what have they done in 50 years other than daca, which is just another incentive for more illegals to come. Blame all your elected, Pres. Trump is trying to do something and has no support from dems at all. The Dems and liberal judges just stop him in his tracks. Now we have more lawlessness and illegals here, who the hell will want to keep living in this area or FL. This country has gone to hell!

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:27--These two counties are Democrat strongholds. WPB and Lake Worth are "Welcoming cities." PB County is "welcoming" but says it is not a sanctuary county. Democrats LOVE illegals. Democrats now need to stop this invasion. One thousand illegals are crossing our border daily and Democrats do NOTHING. They bitch, moan and groan about every solution that the president has mentioned. Now they need to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the dems are way too soft on immigration. But punishing both residents and the immigrants through some form of revenge is not the way to handle it. Trump does not want to see that not everyone is as childish as he is. I remember the way he treated those people in Scotland. He got what he wanted! But I was done with him.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:44--Happy you're DONE. RINOS we don't need.
This does not kick in for two weeks--a lot can happen in that time.
This is entirely the fault of the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

this is why I don't jump when news says to.been on all morning PRESIDENT TRUMP didn't know about this till we did last evening.sounds like the sherriff was sitting on it for 3-4 days sounds like lake worthless left hand doesnt know what right hand is doing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all of the Democrat deniers that have come up here--Why aren't you HAPPY that thousands of illegals are going to be dumped on us? You've been calling Republicans like me racists and worse every time we try to talk to idiot Democrats like you about the problems of illegal aliens .You've had the idiotic idea to actually call our town and county WELCOMING to illegals. Well ,get ready you Democrat airheads-You and your fellow Democrats are about to reap what you've sowed .This in not Trump's fault. This is the DEMOCRAT DENIERS fault! How many times have you agreed with your fellow Democrats and Democrat elected officials that "Trump is Lying-there IS NO CRISIS AT THE BORDER ! Well the chickens (illegals ) are coming home to roost! So SUCK IT Democrats. Hope you don't get shot in the ass by your new neighbors MS13. They don't know that you're a good Democrat!

Anonymous said...

better start checking on your neighbors now so you will know who is to be next door and not.maybe scott can put some tents up at shuffle board court after all there is already a fence there

Anonymous said...

The simple truth is: nobody does anything at all. Watching the tent cities on the West Coast on TV; there's no reason for that to have been allowed to reach this stage. Every time lawmakers are supposed to do something, they make up a law, or an ordinance that keeps them from doing it. That law filters down to local law enforcement, so then they can't do anything either. It doesn't matter which party they are. They are all do nothings. it's very simple: The homeless have to be put into categories and then dealt with according to what the problem is. If they are mentally ill, they have to go to a mental hospital; if they are drug addicts, they go to a facility for addicts, if they are just bums, they have to be made to work if they want to eat, and so forth. Some people have just suffered so much hardship that they have lost all desire to function. These people might be able to be helped. But to do nothing, and just let the problem get worse and worse for years and years, and then give huge salaries to the people who are supposed to come up with solutions. That's just not acceptable!

Anonymous said...

Own the libs by having migrants come to your county! Lynn at 1:29, you are hilarious.

Trump has changed his mind and says he won't be sending migrants to South Florida after all. I know you all are disappointed that the libs in the county won't be "owned." Suck it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am afraid if this happens and Palm Beach gets all these illegals more, many are going to lose favor in President Trump and his admin, they will blame him although he does so much, but the congress, senate and reps do nothing and haven't since Reagan. Let's face it, the USA has gone to hell and it is all blamed on the people we elected to run it.

Lynn Anderson said... are a hoot. You think every comment here is written by me? LOL.
And Trump will not lose favor with any Republican.

Anonymous said...

Many voted against Hillary not for Trump that’s how he won the Midwest, smart campaigning.