Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Club 45 Event with Sean Spicer as Keynote

The place was mobbed last night, filled with patriots.

Several people spoke before the keynote speaker, Sean Spicer: We met Lois Frankel's opponent, Christian Acosta. It is great to know someone wants to take on the "giant" who has dominated the 21st District.

The Supervisor of Elections, Wendy Sartory Link, the gal appointed by governor DeSantis to replace Susan Bucher, also addressed the crowd. She is delivering “open, fair and accurate elections” run by an impartial, nonpartisan office that will restore “every voter’s confidence” in the election system. We will be getting new voting equipment similar to what the rest of the counties in the state use. Her party affiliation is NPA.

Sean Spicer told us about how he rose through the years to become the twenty-eighth White House Press Secretary and as White House Communications Director under Donald Trump in 2017. He didn't disappoint the crowd. After his speech, he took questions from the audience.

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