Friday, March 8, 2019

Omar should be thanking God, oops, Allah

ISIS extremists burn 19 Yezidi girls to death in Mosul

The victims, who had been taken by ISIS jihadis as sex slaves, were placed in iron cages in central Mosul and burned to death in front of hundreds of people.

Read about it...

And just think, we have Ilhan Omar, a Muslim with her own hate living in the greatest free country on Earth that allows her to say just about anything disgustingly hateful and insulting even towards our President with no condemnation by anyone in her party. Which reminds me, not only is she anti-Semetic, she is anti-American and now a member of Congress. Do you think she pinches herself every night?


Anonymous said...

She is an enemy of this country

Anonymous said...

Nauseating to see her every day in those head wraps. Sickening to see her and her pals smirking.

Anonymous said...

This is no where on the censored news. Not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Fake News!

Lynn Anderson said...

It happened 3 years ago but it is REAL. President TRUMP has just about defeated ISIS. Democrats should be talking about that instead of the BS they're into all of the time...defending Muslims in Congress who hate Jews as an example. Stop the harassment across the board and the HATE. You guys are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Please continue to reprint these atrocities, it's too easy to forget that hating evil is NOT phobic.

Anonymous said...

Libs and Dems want victims like this forgotten while they celebrate women's day with vapid stories of minor sucess and elect racists to our Congress. Hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

And the brides of ISIS want to come home. They have no home here.