Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Now maybe AOC will shut her mouth

She could be in very serious trouble, accused of covering up her affiliation and majority control of Justice Democrats PAC that she never declared to the FEC, a PAC that raised more than $1.8 million during her primary.

Republican election attorney Charlie Spies told TheDCNF: “It looks like the campaign and PAC are under common control and the PAC was funding campaign staff and activities as an alter-ego of the campaign committee, which would be a blatant abuse of the PAC rules.” It would be an abuse of campaign laws if this PAC was supporting her campaign.

Read about AOC and her possible jail time up to five years. This link shows all the details. We have already read that she funneled thousands of dollars to her boyfriend. I thought she believed that only capitalists were unscrupulous.


Lynn's Little Fascist Mind said...

All Democrats should be arrested, jailed, put on trial for treason and pay the ultimate price. America should only allow Republicans!!!!


Lynn Anderson said...

Hey Libtard--just read and comprehend.
DemoRATS are sleazeballs though.

Anonymous said...

It's time for Cortez to return to bar tending. Using Hillary Clinton's playbook is not for amateurs.

Anonymous said...

Lynn is like that Jesus freak guy on the corner yelling at everyone to repent or go to hell. People look away or snicker because, man, that dude is wacky, right?

At some point, Lynn, I'm sure I'll be able to ignore you just like I ignore that Bozo on the street corner. I hope that day is soon. I'm sure you do, too.

Anonymous said...

It’s gotten very Soviet around here lately: lock them up, throw them in jail, arrest them, shut them up, ect. I’m. proud republican voter since day one.

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:54--you can start right now by putting me on a permanent "ignore" and never coming back here.
How about it?
I won't miss you one little bit.

Anonymous said...

How long do you think Putin would put up with AOC 12.39? What would happen, is that she would have dissident status, and still be here, only she'd be complaining about Russia, instead of USA.

Anonymous said...

10:54 get lost, troll.

Anonymous said...

Cortez is failing and her base is flipping out.

Anonymous said...

lynn 10.54 is so ignorant they don't even know what the off button means.i will bet they are so far down in the mud they cant fly out to vote.lets show concern for our community and get our neighbors out to VOTE,next tues

Lynn Anderson said...

VOTE NO on both amendments.
Re-elect Omari.
Vote for Richard.