Tuesday, March 12, 2019

CIA and NBC pushing fake news on North Korea?

The CIA and NBC are pushing the false narrative that N. Korea is rebuilding its nuke launch site

They are lying! The opposite is true

Read about it... and how NBC has destroyed it’s journalistic integrity on North Korean issues.

This is extremely dangerous for our country.


Anonymous said...

"Overall, we rate Disobedient Media a strongly right biased conspiracy source, based on numerous examples of publishing information that is not conclusive or supported by evidence."


Anonymous said...

We will be be dropping bombs over North Korea by Thanksgiving Day. This is John Bolton’s playbook playing good cop/bad cop sending the President yo meet with rocket man. Time to beef up the military anyways as we are behind in technology against Russia and China, let’s get it done!

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to be charged with treason and publicly hung over this!!!!!! Pushing for a fucing NUCLEAR WAR for God's sake????

Anonymous said...

The CIA is a rogue organization. I don't know if it started out that way, but that's what it is now. Whatever good they do is counteracted by the countless wars they get us into with no end in sight. Drug Trafficking; Assassinations; Regime Change; Overthrowing Legitimate Governments; it's all in a days work for them.

Anonymous said...

So you folks are taking the side of North Korea rather than our CIA or the American media?


Lynn Anderson said...

@3:28--Is that the nuttiest comment of the day?

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that's a tongue in cheek comment 3:28!

Anonymous said...

Don't believe anything that the CIA or MSNBC tell us. North Korea says it's dismantling nuclear and we should believe them!

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:44 don't know what your problem is but you have one BIG one. It's called Trump Derangement syndrome. There are several articles out there proving through satellite shots that NK is NOT building more nuclear sites. The Democrat goal is to see Trump fail with North Korea. That's pretty sick, wouldn't you say?