Saturday, January 12, 2019

Condo Craze Day of Education

January 22, 2019 –9 am

Palm Beach – AT THE L&L Condo and HOA Expo at the Palm Beach Convention Center

This is for all you new (or old) directors to get educated.

Sign up here


Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting people know about this. Unfortunately, many people in condos down here, are so dumb, they don't even know they don't know anything.

Anonymous said...

Those events are held to sale pitch services and goods to condo boards. It's a scam.

Lynn Anderson said...

There are contractors and vendors there pitching their services but our Association law firm will be giving the course for Boards of Directors on the laws, etc..

Anonymous said...

A lawyer is the greatest help for a board, mine sat next to me at meetings and I let her do most of the talking, she really knew her business. Attacks were nipped in the bud.

Anonymous said...

It's not a scam. Where do you go where somebody doesn't try to sell you something? Personally, I'd rather go to Becker's or Gelfand's seminar, but Condo Craze is very interesting and informative.

You are much better off, knowing what you can and can't do, than imagining all sorts of scenarios where you win big battles against your condo. Almost never happens!

Lynn Anderson said...

Ours charges $300 an owners would tar and feather me

Anonymous said...

That sounds about right Lynn! And for an individual seeking legal counsel on a Condo/HOA matter, it's about $600/650 an hour.

Anonymous said...

A lot of BOD members are in it only for their ego, power, and their own personal agendas at their condos. And to say to their friends up north they are on a condo board. Most are horrible members, self serving and clueless beyond belief. Most, but not all, but MOST!

Anonymous said...

9:24 that's an opinion from the owners not on a condo board. Many suffer from the apathy of the membership, year after year no election needed because no one signs up. Either they do nothing but complain or they try to attack and blame.

Anonymous said...

9:24 and 8:54 are both right!