Thursday, July 5, 2018

Quote of the Day - Steve Ellman

“Buy the ticket, take the ride. The shunning of Trump's enablers is what they deserve for complicity in crimes against humanity. The least of what they deserve.”

~ Steve Ellman
a former Lake Worth resident and left-wing liberal extraordinaire. I used to kid him about being our resident socialist--left of left..

Ellman was commenting in the Palm Beach Post article by Leslie Gray Streeter and the Red Hen kicking out Sarah Sanders.

This is what rational people and conservatives are dealing with in our country today--people who believe they are the only sane ones alive and no other voice is worth a damn.


Anonymous said...

Wait what happened to, “They go low we go high”? LOL. What happened to that Mrs Obama, Obama worshipers? Hypocrisy at its finest. . Sad!

Mad Whacks said...

I agree with you Lynn, sounds like another unhinged whacko. I work with someone like this too, she thinks anyone who supports President Trump and who wants law and order is a racist. Wait and see, they will all come around sooner or later. The funny think is that many of these people love to tout socialism, anarchy, and freebees for all, with open borders and no law. Yet they all live in nice Republican white areas of Stuart or Jupiter and other nice places, they don't live in the hood like we do dealing with all this craziness of all these illegal immigrants out of control. They are all a bunch of hypocrites. Certainly sounds like he is another Mad Max type.

Anonymous said...

Now we "shun" people that we don't agree with politically??? Not very open minded. Whatever happened to listening and maybe learning from each other?

Lynn Anderson said...

Can't learn from a socialist/communist/liberal/progressive.

Anonymous said...

5:11pm: troll. PB Post:biased