Sunday, July 8, 2018

California's AB 2943 could criminalize Catholicism


Catholics are getting woke.

And if other Christian groups have any sense of survival, they will too.

A new California bill is meant to make believers "evolve with the times" or be prosecuted as criminals for teaching their faith to their children. One of the sponsors has been caught on video admitting as much. The God-haters clearly have no intention of remaining idle in their fight to crush religious liberty."

Read about it... at WMD and listen to the audios.


Anonymous said...

Horrible! Most Latinos are Catholic. So that is odd with so many in CA!

Anonymous said...

AT Sacred Heart Catholic Church in LW there are almost no gringos at the English masses, attendance is so low now there at ALL English masses, they are dropping like flies, except for the Spanish and Creole masses which are packed. The Catholic leaders seem to be scrambling, that is why they cater so much to all the illegals and immigrants today in the USA, the immigrants are keeping the church going in the USA as all Americans just are not going to the churches anymore. Especially young people. We go to church every week, have all our lives, but we are almost 60 it is in our blood, but many just don't want to go to church anymore. It is sad that CA is doing this though. What is going on in this world today?

Anonymous said...

Trump doesn’t go to church, calls himself a Christian, same goes for Ms Anderson, doesn't think it’s necessary. WRONG!

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:57--How come you know so little? Must be a Democrat. )

Anonymous said...

You are a Christian if you trust in Jesus. 1:26 were you Baptized?

Myrtle said...

I think it's sad that just when we're able to say "Merry Christmas" the liberals are going to stop us from practicing our religion. If I remember correctly, Oregon and Washington already have outlawed Catholics and have even prevented them from dining at some restaurants. I don't know what is happening in America any more. We are powerless and the Democrats are running everything. Can't we get our people elected so this kind of thing doesn't happen? When is the next election for president?

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:31---November 3, 2020