Friday, December 15, 2017

Richardia Scabra - the flowering weed

This weed is all over the place out here on Lake Osborne Drive due to it being uncontrolled by the county in John Prince Park. It flowers...gets cut...goes to seed...seeds blow across the street. Once it's in your lawn, it's difficult to eradicate and it spreads quickly, smothering your grass.

I had Nozzle Nolen out here to kill it. But it might be a futile attempt as the seeds will fly from John Prince Park and germinate on the lawn and the cycle continues year after year.

Read about it...


Unknown said...

Next to impossible to get rid of.

Anonymous said...

God put that here for a reason! It is actually quite pretty if you try to adore it. Too, I bet it has medicinal properties like curing cancer or something, things like this always do. We need to start appreciating all of these plants more, God put them here for a reason. If you only knew!

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't like this weed as it kills the grass and I don't like rats either although they were put here for a purpose I would assume. You get my drift.

Anonymous said...

This weed is similar to dollar weed. The only way to eradicate it is to pull it out by the roots, and who is going to volunteer for that job. Weeds start to become immune to herbicides, and require stronger and more toxic substances to get rid of them. Either pull it out by the roots, or live with it. It can only get worse.

I am always surprised that otherwise intelligent people can be driven to the point of distraction by a weed, or a train whistle.

Lynn Anderson said...

"otherwise intelligent people?" "point of distraction?"
Don't like weeds and this weed can be killed. It takes constant attention, however.
Dollar weeds can be killed as well. At the moment, we are trying to get a good looking lawn once again. You can have your weeds and look like the rest of Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, it starts to become an economic issue. How much is your condo association willing to spend on a weed. I know what I'm talking about. The weed spreads faster than you can kill it. I wish you luck with the project. Let us know in a year from now, if you have been successful.

By the way, we don't have any. New sod now and then can eliminate this scourge for a while. The area you are talking about is too large for new sod. It would cost a fortune.

Lynn Anderson said...

Nozzle Nolen takes care of it now. It's under control. Who is this, Dorita? Someone who knows my condo?